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November 2, 2022

How Jesus Keeps Us Day By Day

By Anne Kerhoulas

In the Christian life, we need Scripture that grounds us firmly in the truth of Christ and our union and communion with him. Hebrews 7:25 is one such verse that roots and establishes us in the unshakeable love of Jesus and his ongoing work of interceding on our behalf. 


The verse reads, He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them (Heb 7:25). 

This Desiring God article written by Scott Hubbard dives into the beauty and power of these words for believers, both what it means to be saved to the “uttermost” and how the prayers of Christ impact our lives today. 

Jesus is able to save to the uttermost. “That word ‘uttermost’ includes all that can be said,” John Newton once wrote. “Take an estimate of all our sins, all our temptations, all our difficulties, all our fears, and all our backslidings of every kind, still the word ‘uttermost’ goes beyond them all.” 

The salvation of Christ is complete. It cannot be exceeded or overwhelmed by our sin. It is immeasurable and comprehensive. What wonderful news that to be in Christ means we have access to the King who saves to the uttermost. 

Christian Union dives deeply into Scripture because we believe that young Christians need to hear life-altering biblical truths like this every day. Through rigorous Bible courses that are different each semester (this fall semester studies Hebrews!), students are taught the word of God, theology, and how to read the Bible for themselves. 

Read the full article here.