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January 9, 2023

Start Your Year Off With A Great Book

By Anne Kerhoulas

Our 2023 book recommendation list includes an array of Christian books. From classic theology to leadership development to biography, there is sure to be something that will encourage your spirit this new year.

God in the Dock is a collection of essays and speeches from C.S. Lewis. Its title implies "God on Trial" and the title is based on an analogy made by Lewis suggesting that modern human beings, rather than seeing themselves as standing before God in judgment, prefer to place God on trial while acting as his judge.
Recommended by Chris Coppernoll, Ministry Director, CU Nova 


The Cross and the Switchblade
is the classic true story of how God used a small-town pastor to reach some of New York's most violent gang leaders with the transforming power of the gospel, and to see thousands of young people filled with the Holy Spirit and set gloriously free from heroin addiction. At a time when opioids continue to claim many lives, and when churches are divided over questions of how the faithful should address social ills, David Wilkerson's story is a powerful testimony of what God can do when we hear His voice and courageously endeavor to do as He bids us.
Recommended by Michael RacineMinistry Fellow, CU Lux 

At Your Best, by Carey Nieuwhof, is great for leadership development and how to be strategic with time and energy so that leaders can do more in less time and become more fruitful. 
The Practice of the Presence of God speaks on how to abide in God throughout the daily activities of life. I’ve found it a helpful aid that has taught me to continue in prayer throughout the day and not limit God’s work and presence in my life to more structured times of seeking him. 
Recommended by Cory Lotspeich, Ministry Director, CU Martus

The Sacred Us by Justin Kendrick explores the tension in our culture between pursuing individuality and autonomy and forming deep, meaningful relationships. We long for real community and being known by others and yet even in the church this is a struggle. Kendrick unpacks what Scripture teaches us about true community in such a helpful way. It has changed how I think about fostering community on campus with our students!


Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridge is a great read on our call to be holy because God is holy. Most Christians wrestle to some degree with grace, not having to earn our salvation through works, and what it looks like to actually follow and obey Jesus. This book helps us see that we both must rely on God for our salvation and accept the responsibility that he gives us as his chosen people to live in obedience to Jesus.
Recommended by Fady Ghobrial, Ministry Fellow, CU Gloria


A Burning in My Bones by Winn Collier is the authorized biography of Eugene Peterson and was one of my favorite books that I read this year. Peterson was both a prolific writer and a deeply committed pastor. Hearing his personal reflections on ministry, theology, writing, and family life were encouraging, endearing, and thought-provoking.  
Recommended by Anne Kerhoulas, Writer and Communications Associate

The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster was a formative read for me. Foster explains several spiritual disciplines as it relates to Jesus and provides insights to promote deeper faith and growth.
Recommended by Sheri Casali, Ministry Fellow, CU Gloria