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Christian Union: The Magazine
We are living in a time of great changes, ripe with opportunity and fraught with danger....
February 7, 2023

Sunday Worship Is Just One Place We Experience Jesus 

By Anne Kerhoulas

In Exodus 33, Moses speaks with God face to face in the tent of meeting. But in their conversation, Moses says that he needs God’s presence with him all the time. It is God’s presence that sets Israel apart. It is God’s presence that leads, guides, delivers, and provides for them. Moses is in the presence of God in the tent of meeting, but he needs the presence of God all the time. 

Kris Valloton

In this sermon for Bethel Church, Kris Valloton challenges believers to pursue the presence of God at all times of their week, not simply in church on Sunday. It is all too easy for Sunday worship to become the place where we experience God’s presence most tangibly. While that is not wrong, Valloton wants us to be like Moses and hunger for God’s presence every day of the week. He wants believers to be so dependent upon God’s presence that we can’t wait until Sunday morning to experience it, we must walk with Him every moment of our days. 

Romans 12 tells us that our bodies are to be a living sacrifice to the Lord as an act of worship. This means that not only should we desire to walk in God’s presence every day because it is available to us—we should also be worshipping God all week. Worship is not reserved for Sunday morning, rather it is a posture of life that we inhabit as Christians. 

Christian Union equips believers to know the truth and walk in it—especially the truth that God’s presence and power are available for us every day and we are called to abide in Him, daily growing in our relationship and dependence upon the one who made us, delivered us, and uses us for his Kingdom. Through spiritually powerful and instructive events like CU Fire retreats to nationwide fasts, Christian Union is helping Christians across America live into their identity as God’s people—the people who bear his presence to a hurting and needy world.

Listen to the full sermon here.