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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 13, 2023

Healings, Miracles, and Tens of Thousands of Baptisms

By Anne Kerhoulas

Something is happening in a small town in North Georgia. Todd Smith, the pastor of Christ Fellowship Church, says his church has been in revival for five years. Smith’s church had plateaued and wasn’t seeing significant growth in their body. The lead pastor was weary and hungered to see a move of God in his church, one that looked like the kinds of things that happened in the book of Acts.

So Smith called his church to a 21-day fast in which they wouldn’t pray about anything for themselves but rather seek the Lord’s face, ask to behold His glory, and ask for the Spirit to bring conviction that would lead to repentance. Two weeks into the fast Smith had a vision in which he saw his baptismal font, once dry and cracked, have a flood of water pour forth from it and fire resting on it. At the same time, he heard the voice of the Lord tell him that he was going to touch him with Holy Spirit fire.

georgia revival

As Smith recounts, at the time he had no idea what that would mean, but almost 30,000 baptisms later and hundreds of miraculous healings and acts of God, Smith has seen the power and glory of God descend in His church and transform thousands of lives. 

In this video for The Remnant Radio Podcast, Smith discusses the events that have been occurring in his church for the past five years and what he thinks the Lord is doing in our nation and culture today.

Christian Union is deeply encouraged to hear the work that God is doing in North Georgia and prays that more and more churches and believers would, like Smith and Christ Fellowship Church, humble themselves before the Lord through fasting, seeking His face, and repentance. Through Fire Retreats, 24-hour prayer, and national fasts, Chrisitan Union strives to see America reawakened to the Lord and His glory.

Watch the full video here.