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April 17, 2023

Christian Union Board Member Explores A Life of Signs and Wonders in New Book

By Anne Kerhoulas

Ken Fish wants believers to know that God is not in theory. So often in the western church, Christians read the stories of the Bible and assume that signs and wonders were events that occurred in biblical times and simply don’t happen today. Fish is here to tell you otherwise in his upcoming book, On the Road with The Holy Spirit: A Modern Day Diary of Signs and Wonders

The book is based on a diary he kept over the course of five years while he was traveling extensively in Asia, Oceania, and America. Fish spent time almost daily writing down the healings and miracles that the Lord was doing, providing hundreds of journal entries from which to curate the book.

fish book

The result is a book that focuses on five key elements that drive a life marked by signs and wonders—prophetic ministry, the power of God, purity, the presence of God, and prayer—elements that have all been essential for Fish’s own ministry.

“I think a lot of people may have some sort of theoretical belief in God, but even that is unproven theory. There isn’t a lot of confidence in the concept of God—it’s something you do to make yourself feel better,” says Fish. “But the God of the Bible is alive and well today doing exactly what the Bible reports. And not only is that true but if people want to engage in a life marked by signs and wonders, it's available to them.” 

In his book, Fish testifies to the incredible healings and deliverances that the Lord has performed through him as he began to grow in his giftings and calling. Fish, who runs Orbis Ministries, a healing, deliverance, and prophetic ministry that also trains Christians through the Orbis School of Ministry, believes this book is timely because faith in God is diminishing and people need to know that God is not simply a concept or idea.

“There is a growing body of secularist nones who are done with religion,” says Fish. “It seemed to me that this was something that needed to be written to speak to the malaise of the age. The average person doesn’t need theory. Instead, let me tell you a story that is real and verified of what God did.” 

Fish’s stories range from physical healing of sickness and injury to deliverance from meldonium-mildronate.com to prophetic words—all pointing to the reality that the risen Lord Jesus is still performing the works we read about in the Gospels and New Testament by His Spirit and through His body.

Fish hopes that the book will stir the church to repent and align their lives with Scripture and God’s commandments, leading to more and more believers walking in the power of the Spirit.

ken fish book cover“I’m hoping it will stir up hunger in people's hearts to consider how they are practicing their faith and say, I’d like to live a life where people get healed of mental illness and cripples walk and people are healed of cancer—how do I get there from here?” 

“It’s an invitation to a journey, just like the title. I like to say I was in school with the Holy Spirit [during those years]. Jesus says when the Spirit comes He will teach you all things and tell you things even I can’t tell you now. Jesus wasn’t kidding about this,” argues Fish. “The Holy Spirit really will teach you these things. These are some of the lessons I learned in the Holy Spirit while I was traveling.” 

On the Road with The Holy Spirit: A Modern Day Diary of Signs and Wonders will come out in June.  Pre-ordering is available on Amazon.