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April 9, 2023

Downplaying Sexual Sin Won’t Win the Next Generation

By Anne Kerhoulas

Sexuality and sexual ethics have been at the forefront of our culture for the past few decades. Since the sexual revolution in the 60s, the way our nation thinks about what sex is for, how we use our bodies, and what it means to be male or female has rapidly changed.

next gen

For the Church, the shift from a largely Christian sexual ethic in our country to a distinctively secular sexual ethic has been challenging, forcing churches to navigate the tricky waters of holding fast to Scripture, speaking the truth in love, and being on mission to the LGBTQ+ community. To articulate clearly that any kind of sexual relationship outside of the bounds of marriage is sinful is difficult, but it is exactly the faithful witness that the Church is called to today—it’s also the place pastors and Christian leaders are most likely to compromise.

Most recently, author and pastor of Northpoint Church Andy Stanley, has issued comments arguing that in order to keep the next generation in the Church, the Church needs to back down from the traditional, orthodox, and biblical view of sexuality. Stanley’s statements have caused a stir, as another prominent Christian leader seems to be conceding a biblical worldview for one that prioritizes the comfort and cultural norms of the next generation. 

In this article for The Gospel Coalition, J.D. Greear, pastor of The Summit Church, examines why this kind of thinking, though it might sound attractive, is incredibly unhelpful and unbiblical. Greear argues that while it is good to think like a missionary when it comes to welcoming LGBTQ+ individuals into a church—focusing on the essential message of the gospel rather than starting with “defeater topics” like sexuality—to diminish what Scipture clearly teaches about sexual sin is unacceptable. 

Greear says that removing the offense of the Cross also divests it of its power and that addressing the sin of homosexuality requires grace and truth. Greear closes with a powerful testimony of a married lesbian couple that began attending his church. Through faithful witness to Scripture in word and deed, the couple gave their lives to Christ and ended their lesbian relationship, thanking Greear for teaching the difficult truth to them.

Christian Union is committed to teaching and discipling students in the powerful truth of God’s Word. Through Bible courses that teach the biblical sexual ethic to leadership lecture series and forums to an emphasis on repentance and seeking God, Christian Union believes in the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the gospel to overcome the cultural obstacles surrounding sexual sin.

Read the full article here.