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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 4, 2023

How One Doctor Was Converted From Abortion To Life-Affirming Medicine

By Anne Kerhoulas

In this gut-wrenching and eye-opening conversation for Public Discourse, Leah Sargeant interviews Dr. John Bruchalski, a OB/GYN who performed abortions for years before converting to life-affirming medicine. 

Practicing Pro Life

Bruchalski describes the life of a doctor practicing abortion—aborting babies at any time for any reason—and the tension that formed as he grew more and more uncomfortable with the practice. Bruchalski recalls aborting a baby that “felt heavy,” and upon weighing the baby, it met the legal weight for requiring care. In this moment, the OB/GYN was confronted with the reality of what he was doing: killing children. 

“Once you start becoming callous to human lives, it becomes a calculus: put in the numbers. You meet the bar. I’m convinced it’s like the train platform at Auschwitz-Birkenau. You go here, you go there based on some line drawn between human and non-human. Some people are part of the human family and some are not,” says Bruchalski. “And I think medicine, because we’ve been a part of eugenics and a part of destroying the weak forever, there’s a dark side to medicine that you really have to be eye-diseases-info.com. There’s a better way to practice.”


Christian Union disciples and teaches students at some of the most influential universities in the world about the biblical truth of human dignity. Every human is made in the image of God, every human bears His image, and every human life matters. Though conversations around abortion are difficult for students to grapple with, they are essential. 


Watch or read the full conversation here.