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Christian Union: The Magazine
February 16, 2025

When God Woke Up Wales

By erin conner, writer and communications associate


In an article published by Desiring God, Pastor Jeremy Walker writes a brief summary and analysis of the revival that took place in Wales, England in the  1700's. Walker notably writes that “the Lord was pleased to stir the listless and lethargic to liveliness and labor during the 18th Century in various parts of the world by various human instruments. In England, God raised up George Whitefield. In America… Jonathan Edwards, and in Wales… Daniel Rowland.” 


Walker illuminates a few lessons from Rowland’s life in relation to potential revival in a land: 1) the importance of coordinated efforts made in Christian unity, 2) the fact that spiritually lively ministries come from spiritually lively believers, and 3) the requirement for a lack of “fear of man,” but rather the need for a healthy fear of God. (1 Thessalonians 2:4)


These lessons, embraced by Christian Union, are explored—along with other significant Scripture-based theological lessons—in Christian Union’s Seven Keys to Kingdom Advancement. This video teaching series will eventually include twenty video lessons with downloadable companion presentations. Five of the videos have been published to date. The remaining fifteen will be published by the end of 2023.


In When God Woke Up Wales, Walker observes that “Rowland preached repentance until the people repented; he preached faith until men believed. He portrayed sin so abhorrent that all hated it; and Christ so glorious as to cause all to choose Him.” The author asks, insightfully, if Christian leaders are doing the same today for the benefit of sinners and for the glory of God. 

To read the full article, click here