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Christian Union: The Magazine
October 8, 2014
The Christian Union eNewsletter

Dear Friends,

God is moving in extraordinary ways to develop Christian leaders of wholehearted devotion to Him. Christian Union was founded in 2002 to transform our nation and world by developing and connecting bold Christian leaders. In this issue, you will find reason to be deeply encouraged as well as reason to seek God and to grow in his grace and love. Welcome to Christian Union's eNewsletter.

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." — Habakkuk 2:14


Why Leaders?

By Matt Bennett 
Founder and President, Christian Union

Christian Union's vision for changing culture requires reaching an especially influential segment of the US population with the Gospel. The need is profound; the worldview of this unreached people group affects us personally, shaping our economy, government, media, and education. Read more >

A Fresh Take on Culture Change

By Sarah Camp
Marketing and Communications Director, Christian Union

Within every society there are those positioned by gifting, calling, and circumstance with disproportionate influence over those around them. Through their opinions, examples, and actions, these leaders establish the norms and patterns for the rest of society. It is they who have great influence over what the rest of the population considers acceptable and normative. Read more >

Building a Foundation at Brown

By Tom Campisi
Managing Editor, Christian Union: The Magazine

Early this summer, Christian Union introduced the faculty for its new leadership development ministry at Brown University. Read More >

Bearing God's Image Through Daily Work

By Nick Nowalk
Christian Union Teaching Fellow at Harvard

Christians who are serious and well-intentioned about their faith often experience angst-filled perplexity when they ponder the significance of the
Gospel for what many of us inevitably spend most of our waking adult lives doing: working. Read More >

Prayer Requests

Freshmen form friendships and habits within the first weeks of school that influence the course of their lives. Pray for those connecting students to Christian ministries.

Pray for upperclassmen to grow in Christ and in their ability to lead. The skills they develop while at school will help them be world changers for Christ after they graduate.

There was an apparent suicide of a student at Penn two weekends ago. Please pray for her family, friends, and for the students and Christian Union faculty at Penn—for wisdom and the ability to serve and respond well in this time of tragedy.