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Christian Union
Christian Union: The Magazine
October 22, 2014

Dear Friends,

God is moving in extraordinary ways to develop Christian leaders of wholehearted devotion to Him. Christian Union was founded in 2002 to transform our nation and world by developing and connecting bold Christian leaders. In each issue of Christian Union News, we hope you will find reason to be deeply encouraged as well as reason to seek God and to grow in his grace and love.

"Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord!" — Psalm 134

Trickle Down Culture

By Eric Metaxas
Hosted at ChristianUnion.org

Does God want us to change the world? And if so, how? If you're in a hurry, let me cut to the chase: a.) yes — and... b.) by doing what the Clapham Circle did: proving their faith through works, mostly among the poor and powerless, and working among the rich and powerful.

There's a little more to it, but if you must run, there's the nuance-free answer which, like a sack lunch, you may take with you.

If you can stay, I'll begin by telling you about...
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Religion & Democracy

By Clay Christensen
Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

In this short video, watch as Clay Christenson from the Harvard Business School explains why religion is crucial for a successful democratic form of government. (1:39)
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The Danger of Not Recognizing Campus Religious Groups

By Karen Swallow Prior

This fall, California State University revoked the official club status of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship groups across its 23 campuses. InterVarsity was founded in 1938 and hosts nearly 1,000 chapters across the country today; it allows any student to be a member, but requires its leaders to affirm its "doctrinal basis," which includes belief in the Bible's "trustworthiness." This statement has led some chapters to...
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Leading and Learning

By Eileen Scott

Senior Writer, Christian Union: The Magazine

From Africa to Ithaca, Nicole Mensa, Cornell '17, is serving people and sharing the message of God's love and compassion.

A native of Ghana, Nicole came to Cornell for a top-flight education and to experience another culture; because of her participation with Christian Union's leadership development ministry at Cornell, she is also growing in her knowledge of the Bible and...
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