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Christian Union: The Magazine
June 13, 2017

Help Christion Union Secure a Ministry Center at Dartmouth

Prayerfully consider giving toward securing a Ministry Center for Dartmouth. The Ministry Center will be used by campus Christian ministries for fellowship, meals, Bible studies, prayer, training, and administrative work.

The Need

Students at Dartmouth are in desperate need of Christian outreach and influence. These students, who will one day lead and shape culture, need to be developed and connected as transformative godly leaders. Christian Union intervenes in the lives of these young men and women to provide Christian leadership training to prepare them—by God’s grace—to lead for God’s glory. The ministry envisions a spiritually vibrant Columbia blessing the world for generations to come.

As Christian Union works to see this vision become reality, there is the urgent need to establish a ministry center adjacent to campus. A ministry centers establishes a permanent Christian presence and a visible welcoming space for the University’s students, staff, and faculty interested in learning about the Christian faith and experiencing a community of believers. It provides space for biblical teaching, leadership training and mentorship, and personal and intercessory prayer. Christian Union urgently needs room to minister to students and office its faculty. 

Christian Union ministry fellows open their homes to students, but these too are constrained. It is not uncommon for the Dartmouth ministry director and his family to host an outreach in their very small apartment that is attended by more than 100 students over the course of the evening.

Crucially, in a time when Christian ministries can face discrimination on campus, ministry centers reduce Christian Union’s dependency on the universities’ administrations for securing space.

Naming Opportunities and Giving Toward a Ministry Center at Dartmouth

If you would like to learn more about making a strategic impact through a ministry center at Dartmouth, contact Carol Fausnaught, Associate Vice President, Development, 570-326-3102 or Carol.Fausnaught@ChristianUnion.org.