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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 19, 2014

The Lord is merciful and gracious,

slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
He will not always chide,

nor will he keep his anger forever.
He does not deal with us according to our sins,

nor repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,

so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him;

as far as the east is from the west,

so far does he remove our transgressions from us.
— Psalm 103:8-12

A Video Interview with Norm Miller

By Matt Bennett
From ChristianUnion.org

Norm Miller Interview

At the Christian Union Benefit Event and Celebration in October, in Dallas, Interstate Batteries Chairman Norm Miller was honored as the Texas Christian Leader of the Year. In this video (length 31:16), Norm is interviewed during the event by Christian Union's president.
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Earlybird Ticket Deadline for NYC Benefit Event Today

From ChristianUnion.org

You are invited to join us in New York City for the second of two 2014 Christian Union Benefit Events and Celebrations. The event will be in New York on December 9th, and tickets are still available. Young adult prices are available as well. Come to celebrate God's work and greatness, and hear from honoree Prof. Robert P. George, who will be honored during the event.
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Christian Union Student at Dartmouth Named a Rhodes Scholar

By Hannah Silverstein
From Darthmouth.edu

What is the essence of distinctive Christian leadership?

Miriam Jerotich Kilimo '14 of Nairobi, Kenya, has been named a Rhodes Scholar for 2015—the 76th Rhodes Scholar in Dartmouth’s history.

The Rhodes Scholarship, the oldest and best-known award for international study, is widely considered to be the most prestigious postgraduate academic award available to college graduates.
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Doubt as a Sign of Faith

By Julia Baird
From The New York Times

Certainty is so often overrated.

Doubt as a Sign of Faith

This is especially the case when it comes to faith, or other imponderables.

When the Most Rev. Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, said recently that at times he questioned if God was really there, much of the reaction was predictably juvenile...
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Three Things to Remember When You Read the Bible

By Jonathan Parnell
From DesiringGod.org

Reading the Bible

You can never just read the Bible.

There is something deep happening. It’s something more glorious than the universe. Whether you open these pages before dawn, over midmorning coffee, or at the dinner table with family, whenever you read the Bible something miraculous is happening.
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Fools for Love? Scholar Sheds Light on Campus Hookup Culture

By Luke Foster, Columbia '15
From Christian Union: The Magazine

The first few weeks of classes are always an overwhelming time for new students on Ivy League campuses. The pace and pressures begin to mount; stress increases, if anything, faster than the workload. And these first weeks are also a proving ground for the moral and spiritual decisions that shape college experiences.
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Meryl Streep is (Probably) Exhausted

By Tullian Tchividjian
From PastorTullian.com

One of the things I say a lot is that everyone is exhausted. I think that’s true. It may be, though, that no one is quite as exhausted as Jose Micard Teixeira...or, maybe, Meryl Streep.

Recently, a lengthy quotation attributed to Streep (but actually penned by Portuguese self-help author and life coach, Teixeira) started making the rounds.
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Prayer Requests

Praise the Lord for using the book of Hebrews to deeply impact students' lives this semester. Students are considering Jesus, and the Word of God is becoming more alive to them as they study this profound New Testament book as the fall semester's Bible course content. Pray that God will continue to use His Word in this way and that He will drive the 1,260 plus students studying this book to seek Him and become the types of men and women He can use to engage and change the world around them.

Pray for continued growth of the new ministry at Brown. Christian Union faculty members there are particularly encouraged by the students' heart and devotion to prayer. They have just begun their first period of fasting together—please pray that the Lord will continue to meet them as they grow and develop this powerful spiritual discipline in their lives.

Please pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit at Penn, Princeton, Yale, Harvard and Cornell as Quincy Watkins, former Christian Union ministry fellow, visits these campuses to minister to students using his powerful prophetic giftings.
