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Universities such as Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale produce a disproportionate number of influential leaders across...
September 15, 2012

Pursuing Leadership Impact ... Together

We are called not only to a new and transformed life - but to be part of the redemptive process of "making all things new." 

Are you interested in:

  • Building a vibrant network of friends in a fast-paced, time-starved city?
  • Experiencing the richness of abiding friendship, cultural engagement and seeking the Lord's presence with a group of like-minded leaders in NYC?
  • Working with others to engage a complex and diverse city to make it a different and transformed place - a place that God intended it to be?

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Community Groups are small groups of Christian men or women pursuing leadership impact in three specific ways:

  1. Community: Building a network of abiding friendships with other leaders in NYC;
  2. Spiritual Cultivation: Developing an intellectually-satisfying and wholehearted pursuit of the God who made them;
  3. Engagement: Actively engaging and changing the culture around them.

These groups meet every other week with an active Bible study component and periodic projects designed by the group.

Projects range from reimagining a particular vocation in light of the gospel to involvement in a critical social issue in the city.

The intellectually curious and those longing to assimilate their faith in the culture we inhabit will find these groups stimulating and life-changing.

For more information, or to join a Community Group, please  cunewyork@christianunion.org or call Scott Crosby at (347) 682-5653.