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September 15, 2012

Calendar of Activities & Speakers


Events scheduled in 2017 are provided here. You can also find Christian Union New York on Facebook.


7.21.18 — Christian Union Summer Getaway. Registration for Summer 2018 is currently open. From July 21st-July 28th, professionals will come together for a week of water sports, teaching, and fellowship. Click here to learn more and to register.


6.22.18— CU Cities Conference 2018. Join us from Friday, June 22nd through Saturday, June 23rd. Formerly known as Nexus Professionals, this conference will bring together influential professionals from across many industries for a life-changing weekend of dynamic worship and compelling ideas about faith and its relevance to our entire lives. Location and registration will be announced soon. 


2.20.18 —  Salon with Ken Fish. Ken is an honors graduate of Princeton University. He has also earned an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and an MBA from UCLA's Anderson Graduate School of Management. Formerly a colleague of John Wimber, the late leader of the Vineyard Movement, Ken brings more than 30 years of academic study and practical experience in this discipline.

Join us on Tuesday, February 20th from 7-9pm. Location and topic will be announced soon.


2.15.18 — Salon with Ken Fish. Ken is an honors graduate of Princeton University. He has also earned an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and an MBA from UCLA's Anderson Graduate School of Management. Formerly a colleague of John Wimber, the late leader of the Vineyard Movement, Ken brings more than 30 years of academic study and practical experience in this discipline.

Join us from 7-9pm on Thursday, February 15th from 7-9pm. Location and topic will be announced soon.


2.10.18 — Salon with Ken Fish. Ken is an honors graduate of Princeton University. He has also earned an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and an MBA from UCLA's Anderson Graduate School of Management. Formerly a colleague of John Wimber, the late leader of the Vineyard Movement, Ken brings more than 30 years of academic study and practical experience in this discipline.

Join us from 7-9pm on Thursday, February 15th from 7-9pm. Location and topic will be announced soon.


2.5.18 — Forum with Dr. Os Guinness. Space is limited, but admission is FREE please RSVP here.

Join us from 7-9pm on Monday, February 5th in the Union League Club at the Library Room. The address is 38 E. 37th Street (at Park Ave) in New York City. 

Os Guinness was born during WWII in China where both his parents and grandparents were medical missionaries. He was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of London and his D.Phil in the social sciences from Oriel College, Oxford.

Os has written or edited thirty books on a wide range of themes, including , Time for Truth, The Call, Invitation to the Classics, Unspeakable, A Case for Civility, and A Free People’s Suicide: Sustainable Freedom and the American Future. Os divides his time between McLean, VA and Oxford, England and continues to write, speak and educate.

Dr. Guinness, author and social critic, will address the topic of "The Reformation at 500: The Forgotten Secret of American Freedom." In celebrating the Reformation most commentators have concentrated on the remarkable gifts to the church that it provided. We forget, however the impact the Reformation had on culture. In the context of the universal coherence and centrality of faith in all spheres, Os Guinness makes a case that this movement was also the single strongest set of ideas that made the modern world.


1.23.18 — Salon with Dr. Jay Jakub, Senior Director of External Research, Mars Catalyst. Dr. Jakub will speak on "Jubilee Economics: Transforming Buisness for God.

For the past fifty years, business leaders have believed their sole responsibility is to maximize profit for shareholders alone, and that for business to do ‘good’ for society or the environment, there must always be a costly tradeoff of profit, thereby limiting scale of impact. This obsessive focus on profit nearly sunk the global economy in 2008, while the many Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives (CSR) emerging from business have shown limited results and are often more for reputational purposes than for transformation. From a Christian perspective, Jay Jakub offers a more complete form of capitalism called the ‘Economics of Mutuality,’ which focuses business on the needs of others (the means) rather than on maximizing shareholder value (the ends). 

Join us on Tuesday, January 23rd from 7-9pm. Due to the initmate nature of salons, space is extremely limited. Please RSVP through emailing Kate Gardner at Kate.Gardner@christianunion.org.


1.19.18 — Salon with Phyllis Crosby, CORE Real Estate, New York and Sam Lawson Johnston, Managing Director, Real Estate division, LJ Partnership; London, UK. Friday, January 19th, 2018, from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m., the special guest speakers will explore the topic of "Does Space Matter: Faith and Real Estate." 

Do we have a theology of space - what space means for flourishing, for hospitality, for understanding our need for community, for forming family, for revitalizing neighborhoods and cities? Phyllis Crosby is a realtor in New York largely motivated by how we design and use space as people made in God’s image. Additionally, she has lived and worked extensively in Hong Kong and Shanghai, China addressing these same issues.

Sam Lawson Johnston is a commercial real estate investor and developer based in London and has recently completed a development in central Manchester devoted to building and leasing commercial space leading to flourishing in a community.

The event was held at Manhattan Christian Collaborative Center, Nayack College, 2 Washington Street, 17th Floor in New York City.




9.30.17 — Christian Union New York's Fall Young Professional Event 2017. Attendees enjoyed an evening on the water aboard Manhattan II to hear more about what resources Christian Union offers to young professionals in New York City. 




7.22.17 - 7.29.17 — Christian Union Summer Getaway. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Put summer 2018 on your calendar!




5.06.17 — Salon with Bob Doll, Chief Equity Strategist, Nuveen Asset Management, LLC., Faith and Work in Finance. 



4.05.17 — Salon with Dr. Christopher Hancock. The Very Rev'd Dr. Christopher Hancock, Chairman, Oxford House Research, will speak at the Union League Club on "Reading the World: Politics and the Science of Interpretation." 

4.07.17 - 4.09.17 — Nexus: Professional 2017. Join us for two days of exceptional plenary speakers and seminars on what it means to engage and transform culture as Christians in the marketplace. Vibrant worship and connections with others round out a memorable weekend in Samford, Connecticut.


2.07.17 — Forum with Dr. William Hurlbut. This month's forum takes on ethical considerations in biotechnology advances. Dr. Hurlbt will speak on "The Challenge and Opportunity of Gene Editing: Scientific and Ethical Considerations." Event is free but registration is required.


For more information, to ask questions, or to join the Christian Union New York mailing list please contact Christian Union New York Director Scott Crosby.