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November 2, 2022

Avodart (dutasteride) online

Avodart is an antiandrogenic drug that is used in case of prostatic hyperplasia. Its basis is the substance dutasteride. This compound prevents the action of enzymes aimed at transforming the male hormone testosterone into a certain form, leading to the overgrowth of prostate tissue. The therapeutic effect of taking the drug can manifest itself only within 2 weeks from the beginning of therapy. Track this process can be traced by the content of these hormones in the composition of the patient's blood. As a result of the suppression of androgenic activity, the size of the prostate is significantly reduced, problems with urination are eliminated.

The main indication for the use of Avodart is adenoma or benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Active ingredient: DutasterideAvodart$0.51per pillGo to PharmacyAVODARTACTIVE INGREDIENT: DUTASTERIDEAvodart, also known as Dutasteride, is a medication primarily used to treat benignprostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men, particularly those aged fifty and older,who experience urinary difficulties due to an enlarged prostate.We accept:AVODART

What is avodart used

Avodart is produced in the form of capsules. Such capsules should not be chewed, opened, kept in the oral cavity, because if the drug gets on the mucous membranes, it can lead to severe irritation. The instructions for the drug note that the standard dosage of this medication is 1 capsule per day. When the patient is found to have renal dysfunction, then adjustment of therapy is not required.

Contraindications to taking Avodart are: intolerance to the drug; children's age.

Since during treatment with Avodart various changes in the hormonal background in men are possible, it is possible that they may be undesirable. For example, there is a possibility of decreased sexual desire, weakening of potency, development of gynecomastia - swelling of the mammary glands. In rare cases, the occurrence of allergic reactions is noted, which can be expressed by itching, swelling or urticaria - all of which can be extensive or limited.

No definite symptoms have been described for cases of Avodart overdose. But an exacerbation of side effects is likely, which requires care depending on the symptoms exhibited.

What they say about the drug Avodart

Usually reviews about Avodart can be found on forums, where patients ask various questions to urologists or andrologists. It should be noted that in the course of treatment there are quite a lot of them. For example, a man who took this drug for 3 months, after a study of the volume of the prostate gland found that the treatment had no effect on its size.

To this, doctors answer that it is possible to get a positive result only after prolonged therapy, which is 3-6 months. After six months, a study is carried out, which will show how effective the treatment was. In this case, a comprehensive diagnosis is performed, both the state of the prostate and other organs: kidneys, bladder, and also checks the strength of the urine stream by conducting uroflowmetry.

Sometimes patients describe the manifestation of individual reactions of intolerance to Avodart. As a rule, they occur from the very beginning of treatment, expressed mainly in the form of swelling or swelling of the genitals. In such cases, it is necessary to obtain a consultation with an infectious disease specialist and a dermatologist. If they do not identify abnormalities in their areas, then further treatment with Avodart is excluded.

For many men, the beginning of treatment with Avodart is accompanied by a lot of questions and strong anxiety. The fact is that this drug suppresses libido, negatively affects potency. Of course, prolonged treatment can improve the condition of the prostate and urination, but does not always bring noticeable relief. In any case, all questions should be asked to the attending physician, who should inform about the effectiveness of this or that drug, as well as possible negative phenomena that will accompany the treatment process.

Symptoms and treatment of prostate cancer

Prostate (prostate) cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from prostate gland tissue. Just like many other types of cancer, it tends to develop metastases. According to statistics, it affects every seventh man who has passed the 50-year mark. This disease is the most frequent cause of death for men in this age group.


The exact causes of this severe disease are not established. But it is known that the development of the disease is associated with the content of the male sex hormone testosterone in the blood. The higher its level, the higher the danger of developing prostate cancer, the more severe its course. In addition, the following risk factors are noted:

  • Heredity (the presence of the disease in close relatives increases the risk of the disease);
  • Age over 50 years;
  • Presence of advanced prostate adenoma;
  • Cadmium intoxication (participation in printing, welding, long-term smoking);
  • Poor ecology;
  • Racial affiliation (representatives of the Negroid race are more often ill);
  • Improper diet with a predominance of animal fats.

Features of the course of the disease

NormalBenign prostatichyperplasiaBladderUrineUrineEnlarge ProstateCompressed UrethraNormal ProstateNormal Urethra

The disease is characterized by a malignant and slow course. From the moment of microscopic tumor to the last stages of its development takes about 10-15 years. But, despite this, the tumor can give early metastases. This means that the tumor, having a small size, has already begun to spread to other organs. Most often - in the lymph nodes, bones, liver, lungs, adrenal glands. With the onset of this process, complete cure becomes impossible.

The incidence increases with age. Thus, among men 60 years old, 1 case of the disease per 100 people is noted. In 75-year-old men, the incidence is already 1 case for every 8 people.

Typical symptoms

Symptoms of prostate cancer are manifested most often when the tumor has metastasized. Basically, they are nonspecific and manifest themselves with dysfunctions of those organs that are affected by the malignant process. Many of them are similar to the symptomatology of prostate adenoma.

The main ones are as follows:

  • Frequent urination;
  • Difficult urination: urinary retention, intermittent stream of urine, the need to strain the abdominal abs to empty the bladder;
  • Blood in urine and semen;
  • Pain in the perineum.

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Sometimes symptoms characteristic of upper urinary tract obstruction are bothersome:

  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • The appearance of kidney stones;
  • Enlargement of the kidney cavities and ureters.

It is possible and such a course of the disease, in which all these symptoms are absent at all. Then, unfortunately, the first signs that are peculiar to metastases already become. These are, first of all:

  • Pain in the bones of the pelvis, hips or spine;
  • Bone bruising;
  • Chest pains.

Another type of symptoms - impotence or weak erections - occurs in special cases of tumor localization when the tumor affects the nerves that control erection. If the tumor blocks the ejaculatory canal, it is manifested by a decrease in the amount of semen at ejaculation. If the bones are affected, there is pain in the extremities, and in cases of compression of the spinal cord by metastases, paresthesias and paralysis are observed.

Diagnosis of prostate cancer

For the purpose of diagnosis, the first thing that is carried out is a finger rectal examination. Unfortunately, the fact that the tumor can be detected in this way, means the presence of a late stage of cancer. If in this way it was possible to detect any thickening, the patient is usually prescribed a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA). This is a substance whose concentration in the blood of men increases sharply with this disease. For the purpose of prevention, such analysis should be performed every year for men after 50 years of age. Since the level of PSA can be affected by such factors as the presence of adenoma or inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, in order to exclude false positive results, the determination of PSA is performed by different methods that allow to establish:

  • Age-specific PSA levels;
  • PSA level growth rate;
  • The level of free and bound PSA.

The decisive step in the diagnosis is to conduct a biopsy of the prostate. This manipulation consists in taking a small piece of gland through the rectum or perineum for histologic examination. Tissue samples are taken from different parts of the gland. If a negative biopsy result is obtained, but the PSA level remains elevated in the blood, the biopsy result is repeated after some time.

Treatment options for prostate cancer

Currently, there are no standards of treatment for prostate cancer, as there have been no controlled trials comparing different treatments.

The method of treatment is selected depending on the patient's age, tumor location, stage of the disease, and the presence of comorbidities.

Treatment of prostate cancer is carried out in the following ways:

  • Surgical;
  • Medication;
  • Radiation therapy.

Medication is - This treatment is given with hormones that block testosterone and reduce its production. Since there is a direct relationship between the level of testosterone hormone and tumor development, when it is reduced in the body, the rate of tumor development and metastasis is reduced. This type of treatment does not provide complete cure of the patient, but it reduces the symptoms and improves his condition for a long time.

Radiation therapy is - Represents radioactive irradiation of the tumor, which reduces the rate of its growth, reduces the possibility of metastases. Full cure this method also does not provide. Most often combined with drug therapy to enhance the effect of their action.

At the initial stages of the disease, it is possible to use an alternative method of radiation therapy-brachytherapy. Its essence consists in the introduction of radioactive iodine pellets into the prostate gland under ultrasound control. Due to this, a high dose of radiation occurs in the malignant zone, while its surrounding tissues are practically not damaged. The procedure of introduction takes about an hour and is carried out, unlike other types of radiotherapy, outpatient. The effectiveness of this method is higher compared to radiation therapy.

Cryotherapy. Represents the destruction of the tumor by exposure to low temperatures. The method is most successful in the early stages in combination with hormonal treatment.


Among all these methods of treatment, unfortunately, there is no one that can be called ideal. The prognosis of the disease is largely determined by the stage at which treatment is initiated. With adequate treatment, which was started in the early stages, the prognosis is favorable, and it is even possible to fully restore the ability to work. At later stages, the prognosis is unfavorable, the disease is fatal.