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Christian  Union Universities, a Christian leadership development ministry at ten highly secular and influential educational institutions...
April 30, 2024

Bold University Ministry in America Featured on Canadian Show

by erin conner, writer and communications associate

The Perspective with Mike Sherbino is a ministry with a mission 1) to use television, social media, and radio as a primary way to communicate Christian values, insights and the hope of the gospel to Canada and beyond, 2) to talk about issues related to people's understanding of how faith in Jesus Christ can transform the way we live our lives, and 3) to use their platforms to push back against the secular agenda of our day and provide broadcast platforms for other like-minded ministries doing the same. 

The Perspective has enjoyed a substantial audience across Canada, as this show provides solutions for navigating life’s journey by unpacking scripture through the lens of culture, crisis, and current events.

In these challenging times, the message of hope in Jesus, as shared by Sherbino, holds immense significance.

Matt Bennett, Founder and President of Christian Union, recently appeared on The Perspective to discuss what it's like to do ministry at highly secular U.S. educational institutions, specifically this spring.

gospel move 1

Two Christian Union student leaders at Penn recently offered to talk to campus protestors about Jesus 

In the interview, which centered around reaching college students with the disrupting messages of Jesus Christ, Bennett said that students in American universities have a "temptation to think about yourself, your own life, and your career. And these days a lot of people define meaning or morals according to one's own internal feelings…but true life is found outside of you." 

Sherbino asked Bennett what are some typical questions that get fired back at Christian Union regarding whether there is truly a God. Bennett responded that one frequently repeated question he encounters is through Christian Union's ministry is not the question, "Is Christianity true?" but the question, "Is Christianity good?" 

Bennett powerfully articulated that Christianity is the most disruptive movement in the history of the world. No social movement around the globe has changed more lives than the gospel of Jesus Christ. He stated, "More than any other movement, wherever the gospel of Jesus Christ has gone, it has brought education, the elevation of women to equal status with men, poverty relief, hospitals, so many great things, nation after nation." 

Bennett continued, "We are reminding students of this history and today, we see how Jesus disrupts our own lives, what we value most, where we are going, what we should prioritize, how we should think about money, relationships… He is the ultimate disruptor." 

Each spring, Christian Union boldly invites their actively involved students to embrace a comprehensive view of evangelism, equipping and empowering student leaders to go out into the streets to interview strangers, pray for them, share the gospel, invite them to events, distribute literature, and/or talk to them about the goodness of God. 

Currently, student-to-student interviews about God are happening as part of Christian Union's "Jesus Disrupts" campaign. In addition, and in response to the chaos of on-campus protests, student leaders at Penn are standing in the public spaces of campus this week to offer to pray for students and to talk with their peers about Jesus' command to love one's enemies. 

After sharing details about Christian Union's spring evangelism efforts, Bennett concludes the interview with one simple, yet profound message: "God is real and He loves you… Stay encouraged and stay faithful." 

Students from Christian Union's ten university ministries will be leaving their campuses in the next few weeks as the semester ends with a message too: nothing can disrupt and transform culture like a small group of loving individuals, fully yielded to God, with the purpose of sharing Christ's light and love with those around them, even with those who may oppose them.  

Watch the full interview here.  Learn more about how to help Christian students grow in their faith at ten of America's most influential and secular universities here