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May 22, 2024

Christian Leadership Ministry at Harvard Law

by Justin Yim, Ministry Director of Christian Union Gloria Law at Harvard Law 

When Harvard was first founded in 1636, one of its central bylaws was written as follows: "...let every student be earnestly pressed to consider well that the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life--and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning..."

In 1993, when evangelist Billy Graham asked Harvard’s President, Derek Bok, about the greatest struggle his students faced at the college, Bok quickly responded, “Living with emptiness.” 

Much has changed at Harvard since its founding days, but much has remained the same. And the unique urgency of the body of Christ to be more present in the greater student community is at a crescendo, as we are challenged to show love amid hate, peace in a time of turmoil, and to speak truth in love. 

Christian Union Gloria Law at Harvard Law Bible course, 2023-24 

One of the many things that I have been so impressed with regarding our Christian Union community at Harvard Law School is the members' wisdom and ability to minister to their fellow students with such a pastoral heart—praying with students at a campus kindness table—and their winsome, relational approach towards evangelism. Our student leadership team and I spoke this past semester of this dynamic when discussing evangelism– good works may help develop goodwill, hopefully leading to an opportunity to share the good news! The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10).

Good works built upon the truth of Christ, as the firm foundation of everything that we do and of who we are, will ultimately lead to good relationships with our community. We share the gospel of Jesus Christ, who replaces the emptiness of the world and its promises with the fullness of God’s love and mercy. This is the foundation that our CU student leaders have laid this year through Christian Union Gloria Law.  Brooke, who just finished her 1L year and who is on deck to serve on the Christian Union board next year, quipped recently, "Just wait until next year!" 

Like Brooke, I believe the best is yet to come at Harvard Law. I thank all the friends of this ministry for their support, prayers, and generous giving to make the Kingdom of God expand and deepen here at one of our nation's most foundational and influential institutions, as God replaces the emptiness of the world with the fullness of life in Him. 

Christian Union Universities works to develop and connect Christian leaders at ten of our nation's most influential and secular educational institutions to transform culture for God's glory.

Consider joining this movement with a gift of $25 or more to help make Christ known at Harvard Law.