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Christian Union: The Magazine
August 20, 2024

Host a CU Fire Retreat This October in Your Own Home or Church 

by Christian union america

"Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord."-Romans 12:11

Over ten thousand people joined Christian Union to fast and pray for America to Return to God through the CU National Fast this August. As Americans continue to seek God for the nation's return, Christian Union is offering an opportunity for believers across the country to host an in-home retreat this fall to keep the fire of our faith burning.

Join Christian Union for a powerful simulcast retreat on October 4-5 to build on the spiritual momentum from the fast, strengthen your walk with the Lord and deepen your friendships with others who are passionate about revival in your own lives, as well as in the lives of your families, churches, and communities.

cu fire retreat

What you can expect from a CU Fire Retreat:

  • Teaching Messages
  • Inspiring Revival Video
  • Engaging Scripture Study and Discussions
  • Deep Fellowship and Prayer

Here’s what past participants have shared:

"It was incredible to meet, pray, and connect with others, pushing each other toward a more impactful walk with the Lord.”

“This retreat deepened my faith and understanding of God. The prayer, study, and conversations were life-changing.”

Christian Union founder and president, Matt Bennett, said, "Focused times of drawing near to God have an incredibly positive impact on Christians. Such times provide powerful spiritual strengthening and renewed vision. You can view Matt Bennett’s bio here and an interview with Matt by CBN here (5:21).

As more and more Christians take time to seek God and grow stronger in Him, God draws near to us with His increased power and presence in our churches, communities, and nation. Many are frustrated with the spiritual decline in their communities and the nation, and seeking the Lord is the answer. As believers grow strong in the Lord, their vibrant faith will bring a supernatural change. 

The speaker lineup for the October 2024 Fire Retreat is as follows:

Matt Bennett
Topic: "Repenting of Worshiping Other Gods"

Founder and President of Christian Union

Dimas Salaberrios

Topic: "Power of Prayer in Reviving God's People"

Learn more about Salaberrios here

Andy Woodard
Topic: "Cultivating a Lifestyle of Seeking God Wholeheartedly"

Executive Director of Christian Union New York.

What to learn more? Watch this 3.5 minute video to see if you'd like to invite friends and family to join you? Let’s continue to seek God for another great awakening!  

 Register for the October 4-5 retreat today.