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Christian  Union Universities, a Christian leadership development ministry at ten highly secular and influential educational institutions...
September 16, 2024

2024 Bible Course Engagement Explodes 

by erin conner, writer and communications associate

In 2021, Christian Union Gloria Law and other ministries at Harvard Law School (HLS) were featured on the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). The report, seen on major television stations and online, highlighted a strong Christian presence and a unified desire to see God move mightily at HLS.

CBN Anchor Mark Martin opened the segment by noting how first-year law student Matt Chun was pleasantly surprised to find a vibrant Christian community at Harvard Law School.

1 A CBN article HLS“It's been incredibly encouraging for me to be involved with Christian Union and small groups, and even going to church with my classmates and going to prayer in the mornings,” Chun said. “It seems like there’s Christian programming almost every day and tons of ways to get plugged in...”

Justin Yim, Christian Union’s ministry director at Harvard Law School, was also interviewed. He said Christians are seeing God move in powerful ways.

“If you speak to some of the other campus ministers on campus and some of the students, there's a sense that something is happening. We know that God is not dead at Harvard,” Yim said. “We're gathering together across ministries, across the graduate schools, coming together, worshiping together, praying together. We're all pressing in for the same thing. We want to see Christ lifted high and exalted, and we want to see a revival on the campus.”

Since this report on CBN, God has been moving in powerful ways through the Christian ministries at work at Harvard Law School. This year, Christian Union (CU) Gloria Law, a student leadership development ministry, is seeing an explosion in enrollment in CU Bible Courses to begin the fall semester.

"Our registration for the women's group is exploding at the Law School, where we are discussing splitting the group into two due to their size. At the kick-off of our Bible Course in the Gospel of Mark, we expected a smaller crowd because of the first week of classes with students scrambling to get into a weekly rhythm. However, we had nearly 20 students attend and actively engage in the study discussions," Yim recently shared. 

The hunger for God in 2024 is palpable at Harvard Law School.


Let us not grow weary in praying for Harvard students to find their way back to God and to get deeply rooted in His truth and love for the praise and glory of His name, for our good, and the good of all his holy Church. 

Watch the original CBN report.

Learn more about Christian Union Gloria Law's ministry.