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Christian Union: The Magazine
We are living in a time of great changes, ripe with opportunity and fraught with danger....
March 25, 2015

"For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible... all things were created by him and for him" — Col 1:16

The Drop Box

By Madison Peace
From The Federalist

The Drop Box

A poignant, profoundly moving new documentary "tells the story of 'The Drop Box,' where image-conscious South Koreans leave disabled babies to a welcoming pastor and his family."
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Saint Augustine on Prayer

By Tim Keller
From TimKeller.com

Anicia Faltonia Proba (died AD 432) was a Christian Roman noblewoman. She had the distinction of knowing both St. Augustine, who was the greatest theologian of the first millennium of Christian history, as well as John Chrysostom, who was its greatest preacher. We have two letters of Augustine to Proba, and the first (Letter 130) is the only single, substantial treatment on the gay-sauna-nice.com that St. Augustine ever wrote.
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A Sacred Calling

By J. Richard Middleton
From Center for Faith and Work

A Sacred Calling

To envision the New we must invariably look to the Old. Throughout the gospel, it’s made clear to us that God is renewing our world, which is leading towards a New Heaven and New Earth. If this world is to become His dwelling place, then our job is to cultivate it wisely, to manifest and capture God’s image in our work. In other words, what we create is meant to be sacred. Theologian Richard Middleton gives us the Why behind what we do and how the Holy Spirit employs our imagination to lead us to what we are created for.
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An Outrageous Idea for All Christians

By Randy Newman
From Connection Points

Cultivating our Christian minds, [Paul] Gould says, must involve seven intellectual virtues: intellectual courage, intellectual carefulness, intellectual tenacity, intellectual fair-mindedness, intellectual curiosity, intellectual honesty, and intellectual humility.
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Compassion on Campus

By Eileen Scott
From ChristianUnion: The Magazine via ChristianUnion.org

Compassion on Campus

Roy Lan cares about people. From assisting in cancer research and volunteering for the welfare of children, to participating in model UN at the University of Pennsylvania, the breadth of his compassion is evident. This semester, Lan is extending a helping hand even further as he spearheads a new organization that seeks to come alongside students that struggle to care for themselves.
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Keeping in Step with the Spirit of the Crucified Son

By Nick Nowalk
From ChristianUnion.org

How do I know when the Holy Spirit is active and present in my life? What must I do to engage in the Spirit-filled life? What sorts of criteria may I employ to recognize and discern the leading of the Spirit as I follow Jesus in faith?
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Prayer Requests

Praise God for the 40 students who are involved in Christian Union's ministries at Princeton, Harvard, Yale and Columbia who served in different capacities in New York City during their Spring Break this past week. They had the opportunities to grow in community and experience growth through ministering to others throughout many different venues in NYC.

Please pray for the seniors involved in Christian Union ministries who are working on their senior theses projects. For many students, their thesis is the climactic academic achievement of their collegiate career and is both an exhilirating and overwhelming experience. Because April is a primary month for many of the due dates, please pray for strength, diligence, grace and favor in this significant academic endeavor throughout March and April.

Please pray for God's blessing on the over 1,250 students who are participating in one of Christian Union's Bible courses this semester. Freshmen are studying "Sex and Spirituality" and "The Seeking God Lifestyle," sophomores and juniors are studying the book of Acts and seniors are studying "Vocation, Stewardship and Finances".