Christian Union Provides Support and Resources for Spiritual Strengthening
By erin conner, writer and communications associate
Your spiritual vitality is a matter of national importance. Perhaps that sounds dramatic, but consider it–our culture is shaped by the daily decisions of industry leaders who either embrace secular values or who embrace biblical values, many of whom may not know how to integrate their faith and their profession. How well are American believers equipped to bring Christian faith and values into their spheres of influence? And what are the implications if they don't? As disciples of Christ, each one of us, whether we work in education, on Wall Street, in the arts and entertainment industry, in local or national government, in medicine or in care-giving, is called to carry the presence of God and His transforming love and power with us wherever we go. We are all called, regardless of profession, to be ambassadors of Christ and ministers of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5: 16-21).

Christian Union Universities and Christian Union America is focused on helping followers of Christ increase in spiritual maturity and fervency, connect with other Christian leaders, and gain tools to fulfill our calling to represent Christ where ever we work, serve, and live.
Role models of a movement to transform culture for Christ include businessmen and politicians such as William Wilberforce, who abolished the slave trade, JC Penny and John Wanamaker, who built businesses on Christian principles, and numerous other Christian lay men and women who have used their positions for cultural impact. Biblical examples include Daniel who served King Nebuchadnezzar and Esther who used her position of influence as Queen of Persia to prevent a Jewish genocide.
Christian Union seeks to empower believers to align their lives with God's purposes and allow God to work dramatically through them. Listed below are several resources that explore the need for a Christ-centered culture in the field of mathematics, sociology, and medicine:
BOOK: Redeeming Mathematics: A God-Centered Approach by Vern Poythress
What does God have to do with mathematics? Everything. In this book, Vern Poythress argues that the harmony of abstract mathematical truths, the physical world of things, and the personal world of our thinking depends on the existence of the Christian God.
BOOK: Redeeming Sociology: A God-Centered Approach by Vern Poythress
In their pursuit of social welfare, sociologists and everyday citizens alike have adopted a worldview that fails to account for both the nature of God and the depravity of humankind. Ignoring God and sin has resulted in misguided analyses and ineffective solutions to societal issues. The time has come to rethink the study of sociology as those faulty assumptions have clearly affected the discipline as a whole.
AUDIO: The Challenge & Opportunity of Gene Editing: Scientific and Ethical Considerations Christian Union New York's February 2017 Forum speaker was Stanford University Medical School professor, Dr. William Hurlbut. Dr. Hurlbut addressed what MIT Tech Review calls the "biggest biotech discovery of the century," the new gene editing technique CRISPR/Cas9. This gene editing breakthrough provides dramatic new powers to manipulate genetics at every level of life—and raises numerous difficult ethical questions when applied to direct interventions in human life.
Join the movement to make Christ known in our nation's most influential and secular universities and cities.