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December 19, 2024

An Amazing Opportunity for American Christians to Seek the Lord Together 

By erin conner, writer and communications associate  

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." -Galatians 6:9 

Christian Union America hosts regular national fasts with the intention of deepening our own relationship with the Lord and interceding for our nation to return to Him, and wants to invite you to join this January for 14 days.

Two powerful testimonies from previous CU America National Fasts illustrate the significance, in part, of joining this movement:

"This was the longest fast I have ever done. The fast showed me the danger of having so much comfort and material prosperity. It can cause us to forget God and live our lives apart from seeking Him."

"I’m so thankful for CU and have been so blessed by all the CU ministry events I’ve participated in. For the first part of the fast I did a dry fast, which really broke me in a good way spiritually and physically. The fast took me to a deep place of crying out for God and brought me to a depth of need for God that I’ve never experienced before. I thank God for this opportunity to join in this fast." 

Fasting is an essential part of Christian life. It is modeled for us throughout the Scriptures and has a unique capacity to draw us closer to the Lord through humble dependence upon Him above all things.

Christian Union America will be hosting this 14-day fast from January 2 through the 15th with the special emphasis on a new year, new awakening, and pressing in for breakthroughs. In regard to this fast, founder and president of Christian Union, Matt Bennett, shared, "Jesus is everything to us, and we need His supernatural strength to remain faithful to Him through thick and thin. We want revival across America, and to see that happen, Christians need to faithfully seek His face no matter the obstacles or cost."  


One of the purposes of CU National Fasts is to cultivate a culture in our nation of seeking God through prayer, fasting, and repentance. These kinds of efforts were ordinary among early Christians, in strong times of church history, and in the international church today, where Christianity is expanding rapidly. 

Each participant who is signed up receives a daily Bible-based devotional by email written by Christian Union Universities' ministry directors and fellows who serve at some of the most influential schools in America

Each participant decides how to abstain from food and/or drink during the fast. The Bible provides different examples of fasting, from eating only one meal per day to forgoing all foods for multiple days in a row. (Only rarely and in very exceptional circumstances does someone abstain from both food and drink.)

Christian Union encourages participants to ask God how you should fast, and to consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about fasting. If you have never fasted for days in a row, then join for as long as you can. The most important part of fasting is the humbling of our hearts to seek after God. 

Please feel free to join thousands of other Americas in this National Fast to seek the face of the One true God, Jesus Christ, who became flesh to dwell among us, who paid the wages of our sin, and who resurrected, conquering the power of death, to give whoever believes in Him the gift of eternal life. 

More Resources on Fasting:
The Life-Changing Power of Fasting
Christian Union Introduced Me to Fasting
Deny Yourself and Take Up Your Cross

Interested in signing up for CU America's National Fast in January? Click here.