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“But the one who endures to the end will be saved." -Matthew 24:13 ESVThe context of...
April 9, 2015

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations... — Deuteronomy 7:9

Christ Follower, Bridge Builder

By Christian Union
From ChristianUnion.org

Dave Kurz

Princeton alumnus, Cambridge University MPhil, and current California Berkeley PhD student Dave Kurz grew up in a Christian home, but faith was not the center of his life until he went to college and began attending Christian Union Bible courses. Hear how these experiences helped shape his beliefs and led him to earnestly seek God.
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Ubi Amor, Ibi Oculus

By James Conley
From First Things

In Technopoly, Neil Postman says that overly technological cultures, “driven by the impulse to invent, have as their aim a grand reductionism in which human life must find its meaning in machinery and technique.”
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The Anti-Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) Backlash is a Perfect Storm of Hysteria and Legal Ignorance

By Rich Lowry
From National Review

A Sacred Calling

Indiana is experiencing its two minutes of hate. It is doubtful that since its admittance into the union in 1816, the heretofore inoffensive Midwestern state has ever been showered with so much elite obloquy.
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4 Reasons Why God Created and Wills Work

By John Piper
From TheGospelCoalition.org

Last week, The Gospel Coalition posted this article, from a John Piper sermon on 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, on four reasons why God wills work.
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Meeting God at Harvard

By Stephen G. Mackereth
From Harvard Crimson

Stephen G. Mackereth

Stephen Mackereth, a senior involved in Christian Union's ministry at Harvard (Harvard College Faith and Action), has just begun a new, and prestigious, weekly column in Harvard's daily newspaper, The Crimson. The focus of the column is Christianity, and Stephen shares his spiritual journey in the first article.
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The "Hydra" of Pride

By C.S. Lewis
From Reflections, a Publication of the C.S. Lewis Institute

The C.S. Lewis Institute recently posted a brief, humorous, yet powerful reminder of how pride works in our lives, from The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis.
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Prayer Requests

Praise God for a group of 18 freshman women at Dartmouth who applied to form a "learning community" at Dartmouth. They received acceptance to have a concentrated living area called "Women of Faith" for those who are spiritually interested and seeking. Pray that this housing arrangement will be a growth place for these women and a place of ministry to others.

Pray for students at Penn who have the opportunity to interact with, and minister to, many peers on their campus through participating in a prayer tent on campus. Pray for favor for those in attendance and that meaningful conversations would develop with students who are curious about spiritual things and who are in need of prayer.

Praise God with Christian Union's faculty and students involved at Harvard for their winter conference that was postponed until the spring. Continue to pray for growing community that was fostered over the weekend and for students who were challenged to think about repentence and confession in new ways.