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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 6, 2015

You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
— Matthew 5:14-16

Christian Union Adds Hutz Hertzberg to its Senior Leadership Team

By Christian Union
From ChristianUnion.org

Dr. Hutz H. Hertzberg

Christian Union and its Board of Trustees today announce that Dr. Hutz H. Hertzberg has been named to the organization’s senior leadership team as president, and the ministry's founder, Matt Bennett, has been named CEO. Hertzberg brings a wealth of leadership experience, having spent the entirety of his career in church ministries, Christian agencies, and in higher education. Most recently, Hertzberg served...
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Princeton Votes for Academic Freedom

By Robert P. George
From First Things

At campuses across the country, traditional ideals of freedom of expression and the right to dissent have been deeply compromised or even abandoned as college and university faculties and administrators have capitulated to demands for language and even thought policing. Academic freedom, once understood to be vitally necessary to the truth-seeking mission of institutions of higher learning, has been...
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God of Wonders, Works... and Biotechnology

By Dr. Shelley Brown
From Harvard College Faith and Action


Doxa is the leadership lecture series hosted by Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA), a Christian leadership development organization resourced by Christian Union. In this recent lecture, Dr. Shelley Brown, MDiv Graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Postdoctoral Research Associate at MIT, speaks of a God of wonders, works, and … biotechnology. Sharing her remarkable testimony, Dr. Brown explores some of the more challenging questions that arise as she seeks to glorify God in her field and be an agent of healing. Dr. Brown challenges her listeners to seek God for themselves and use their own vocations to bring Him glory.
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Rising Christian Intellectual Advocates for the Well-Being of Children and Families

By Robert Barnes
From The Washington Post

Another day, another town. Ryan T. Anderson, the conservative movement’s fresh-faced, millennial, Ivy League-educated spokesman against same-sex marriage, has another busy schedule.
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God, Science, and the Red Pill

By Stephen G. Mackereth
From The Harvard Crimson

Red Pill

A new article from The Harvard Crimson by Stephen Mackereth, a senior involved in Christian Union's ministry at Harvard (Harvard College Faith and Action).
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An Imperative Above Happiness

By John Cunningham
From ChristianUnion.org

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.."
— James 1:2-4

Trials lead to maturity, of greater ultimate value than 'happiness'...
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Prayer Requests

Students at Cornell will hold a "Love looks like..." campaign May 3-9. The heart of the campaign is to demonstrate, on campus, what Christ-like love looks like. Please pray that God would use this campaign to touch the lives of many at Cornell.

Praise the Lord for an extended prayer time led by students involved in Christian Union's ministry at Yale. They initiated a 24-hour prayer event, where students had the opportunity to spend more focused time in prayer. Praise God for the fervor of those seeking His face, and please pray that this sort of passion for prayer would continue to grow not only at Yale, but at each of the universities where Christian Union works.

Please pray for students about to transition from the university to the marketplace—that they will quickly find spiritual community, local churches and ways to integrate their faith and work. Please pray in particular for those moving to New York City, that NYCU (Christian Union's ministry to marketplace professionals in NYC) would be able to connect with these students.