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Christian Union: The Magazine
Universities such as Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale produce a disproportionate number of influential leaders across...
November 13, 2012

Lessons from the 19th Century

In the 19th century, a member of British parliament, William Wilberforce, came to the life-altering conviction that God had placed him in a position of influence for a reason. 

After decades of toil, God used Wilberforce and an influential network of Christian believers working with him, dubbed the Clapham Circle, to not only end slavery in the British empire, but also to usher in an era that honored virtue in a society that had fallen into deep darkness.


Multiplied Impact

Together, the Clapham Circle—a diverse network of writers, philanthropists, scholars, politicians, clergy and businessmen who were driven by their faith—changed their nation and the world. Their far-reaching impact included dramatic success in prison reform, education, integrity in politics, mission, medicine and cultural change.

Our culture is ready for such a soul change.

WilberforceChristian Union is dedicated to turning the tide in our culture by developing and equipping Christian leaders of the caliber and conviction of Wilberforce. The ministry seeks to network Christians to become interlocking Clapham Circles, for greater, more widespread social change.

The most pressing needs in our society will be solved—or perpetuated—by our leaders. To the extent that our leaders are men and women who revere God, humble themselves before Him, and put Him first in their day-to-day, we shall see the harm of sin restrained and the blessing that accompanies compassion, virtue and humility transform our society.

Christian Union takes inspiration from historical examples of leaders who devoted their power and influence to the Lord; walking humbly as they upheld justice, advocated for mercy and peacemaking, cared for the poor and oppressed, and labored against the vilest wrongs of their age.

Christian Union has developed a proven, replicable ministry model to develop Christian leaders, and the ministry is committed to directing the hearts and skills of future leaders toward lives of godly influence.

Christian Union is working at some of America's most strategic universities to develop the William Wilberforces of our time, and to working in cities to encourage and develop the Clapham Circles of our time; networks of Christian leaders who will transform our culture for the glory of God. Please join this exciting effort!