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Christian Union: The Magazine
June 4, 2015

The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.
— Zephaniah 3:17

Old Saints

By Stephen G. Mackereth
From The Harvard Crimson

Stephen Mackereth

Harvard Crimson columnist Stephen G. Mackereth, a student heavily involved in Christian Union's ministry at Harvard, graduated last Thursday. In his final column in the Crimson, he reflects on his time at Harvard, on the future, and on the wisdom of old saints...
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Help Accelerate the Development of Christian Leaders Like Stephen

By Christian Union
From ChristianUnion.org

This past spring, Stephen G. Mackereth (see article above) and 1,200 other students at eight of America's most influential undergraduate institutions, and at the Harvard Law School, enjoyed in-depth, intellectually rigorous Bible courses led each week by Christian Union ministry fellows. The result? Growing numbers of students who are yielding their lives and future influence to Jesus Christ. They are reinvigorating the Christian presence at culturally influential universities dominated by secular ideology. These universities can become the training ground for devout Christian leaders. God is opening doors for profound change, and you can be part of this exciting ministry. Please consider making a gift of support by June 30 so Christian Union can place ministry faculty to work directly with even more students in the fall.
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The Danger and Destructiveness of the Sexualized University

By Vigen Guroian and William Wilson
From First Things

Destructive Culture of Sex

Two University of Virginia professors examine the destructive culture of sex that is prevalent on university campuses today: "The problem is not new. Our colleges and universities have not fessed up to the sexual anarchy and formless sex that they helped bring into existence when they sponsored and institutionalized the sexual revolution of the sixties and seventies. Even as the evidence has mounted to undeniable proportions that something has gone horribly wrong with relations between the sexes on our campuses, colleges will not admit culpability for the ugly scene. Most important, they will not admit that the great experiment of institutionalizing the sexual revolution has failed at the cost of many, many ruined lives...
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Against the Flow

By John Lennox
From rzim.org

The story of Daniel and his friends is a clarion call to our generation to be courageous; not to lose our nerve and allow the expression of our faith to be diluted and squeezed out of the public space and thus rendered spineless and ineffective. Their story will also tell us that this objective is not likely to be achieved without cost...
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What To Do With Shame

By Rebekah Hannah
Christian Union Ministry Fellow at Columbia
From Gospel Taboo

Rebekah Hannah

Sometimes our loudest shame comes from things we have done, sometimes it comes from someone else’s grievous and horrific sin against us. Regardless, we desperately need someone to help us hear the voice of God louder than the voice of both our own sin and our perpetrators...
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Prayer Requests

As the school year winds down, please praise the Lord for the commitment and dedication of Christian Union's faculty who invest deeply and tirelessly in the students with whom they work. Pray for their spiritual and physical refreshment this summer as they take much needed time to rest and focus on a different aspect of ministry. Pray the Lord would renew their strength and recharge them for next fall.

Many Christian Union students will spend their summer at internships across the nation, and in other parts of the world. Students will gain real life experience in their fields of expertise. Please pray for these students to have opportunities to grow in their faith during the summer, especially as they plug into local churches. Also pray that they would be a light to their colleagues and co-workers this summer.