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Christian Union: The Magazine
Universities such as Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale produce a disproportionate number of influential leaders across...
September 15, 2012

Opportunities to Develop as Christian Leaders

From conferences, to campus-specific Christian leadership development, to summer ministry opportunities, Christian Union offers students opportunities to grow year-round.

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Nexus: The Christian Union Congress on Faith and Action 

Every year students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale are invited to attend a life-changing weekend of dynamic worship and world-class speakers. Over the course of the weekend, students will be challenged to think deeply about their faith, to consider how they might put that faith into action right now on their campuses, to recognize how God can use them in the vocation they pursue to impact culture for Christ, and to grow closer in faith and devotion to Jesus Christ in fellowship with like-minded peers. Nexus website >

Year-Round Opportunities

Christian Union works with undergraduate student organizations at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale and and with graduate students at Harvard Law School.

Christian Union's high-caliber ministry fellows serve these organizations by developing and training Christian leaders to make a difference in the nation's culture and throughout the world. Learn more about the ministry at your university here.

Summer Opportunities


Christian Union is offering five unique summer opportunities to students for summer 2017. International projects offer very different types of ministry experiences in Uganda, Israel, and El Salvador. In the United States, there is a project for students interested in deepening their Christian worldview, and one for students who have secured summer internships in New York City.

Explore these opportunities at Christian Union's Summer Project site, CUthisSummer.com >