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Universities such as Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale produce a disproportionate number of influential leaders across...
September 15, 2012

Christian Scholarship and Apologetics 

Tennent Media is a partnership between Christian Union and students on various campuses with the purpose of publicizing the remarkable life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Tennent Media is named after William Tennent, who led a school for itinerant evangelists during the first Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s.  He trained students in Neshaminy, Pennsylvania, and his death and the subsequent closing of his school led to the founding of Princeton University.

At different times, the students involved have created Web sites for other students, and have created and placed ads in student newspapers.

Ads for—and by—Students

Here are ten examples of ads placed in the Cornell student paper, written by Cornell University students. Similar ads, written by Yale, Harvard and Princeton students, have been run in their respective newspapers:

  1. Life: God made us and gave us life to know and enjoy him
  2. Life 2: A love that lasts, a purpose to life, eternity in our hearts... because God made us for a relationship in Him
  3. Death: We have forsaken our relationship with God by rejecting Him, resulting in spiritual death
  4. Death 2: Loneliness, war, addiction, grief, despair, racism, death... the experience of separation from God
  5. New Life: God's loving initiative in his son Jesus Christ offers us new life in a renewed relationship with God
  6. New Life: God became human in Jesus Christ
  7. New Life: Jesus died the death we deserve to offer us forgiveness and new life
  8. New Life: Reconciled, freed, healed, accepted, made whole, given new life... because Jesus took what was mine and gave me what was His
  9. Life or Death: We must choose to trust in Jesus in order to receive new life from God
  10. Life or Death: Two ways to respond to Jesus