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Christian Union: The Magazine
July 3, 2015

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. — Romans 5:1-2

Perspectives on Obergefell

By Various
From First Things

Supreme Court of the United States

How should we respond to the ruling by the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges that there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage? What’s next?...
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The Gospel, Imagination & Vocation

By Nick Nowalk
From Christian Union at Dartmouth

Speaking at Dartmouth, Christian Union's teaching fellow at Harvard, Nick Nowalk, delves into how the Gospel transforms our imagination to think about vocation and calling...
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The Distinctive Call to Make Disciples

By Rebekah Hannah
From Christian Union: The Magazine

Rebekah Hannah

We are all disciples of someone. Whether good or bad, we all emulate someone who came before us. That being said, we also have more influence than we could possibly imagine. With each conversation and encounter, we are shaping others… the best part of being a disciple-maker in Christ is that we are not trying to get people to be like us. As a disciple-maker I am pointing women to something and someone greater than myself....
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A Perspective on Seeking God

By Dan Jarvis
From Life Action Ministries

Seeking God is at the very heart of Christian Union's ministry. This article, posted on Life Action Ministries' web site helps provide perspective on what it means to seek God....
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Farewell, Cultural Christianity

By Russell D. Moore
From Leadership Journal


As American culture changes all around us, Russell D. Moore argues that it is no longer possible for Christians to pretend that they are in the majority. In his new book Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel, Moore argues that "what's needed now, in shifting times, is neither a doubling-down on the status quo nor a pullback into isolation. Instead, we need a church that speaks to social and political issues with a bigger vision in mind: that of the gospel of Jesus Christ." The following excerpt, from Moore's new book, should challenge all believers, whether from the Religious Left, the Religious Right, or somewhere in the middle....
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Benefit Event Save the Dates

By Christian Union
From CU Today

Save the dates for Christian Union’s 2015 Benefit and Celebrations! The Dallas event is November 17 at the Dallas Country Club. The event in New York City will take place December 7 at the Intercontinental New York Times Square (300 West 44th Street). Details for events in each city will be announced soon. Watch for an invitation, coming soon...
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Prayer Requests

Praise the Lord for the completion of another school year for all eight of the universities where Christian Union works. Join us in giving God the glory for the mighty things He has done in and through students involved in Christian Union's ministries. Continue to pray for the movement of the Holy Spirit across these university campuses and in students' lives during the summer.

Summer offers a much needed season of refreshment and rejuvenation for Christian Union faculty members. Please pray for the Lord to meet the needs of weary faculty, that they may be spiritually nourished, mentally restored and physically rested after a busy academic year. Pray that they would experience the strength that comes from the Lord and be reminded that their ministry is ultimately His.

Christian Union students are spending their summers all over the globe. Pray that they would have an influence that would outlive their stay. One rising sophomore from Princeton is spending her summer in Malaysia. Pray for her as she shares with her co-workers about how her faith relates to the work she is participating in. She shared with her 80 year-old co-worker and he expressed an interest in what she shared. Please pray for boldness in leadership and speaking words of truth for students in their summer opportunities.