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Christian Union: The Magazine
August 12, 2015

Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed;
save me and I will be saved,
for You are the one I praise. — Jeremiah 17:14

The Marketplace and Social Shalom

By Dr. Anthony Bradley
From ChristianUnion.org

Anthony Bradley

Dr. Anthony Bradley, professor, public intellectual, and author was the featured speaker at New York City Christian Union's July 2015 Forum. Dr. Bradley explores the implications of understanding business as a social justice vocation by nature and defines the ways in which marketplace leaders are invaluable as the primary change agents for communities seeking to help the poor and bring peace...
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Religion and the Republic

By David F. Forte
From Public Discourse

A republic, that is, a true republic, respects religious speech because such speech represents a different authority from governing power and hence affirms the limited nature of the governing power...Tocqueville noted that religion was the “first of [America’s] political institutions.” He explained, “I do not know whether all Americans have a sincere faith in their religion—for who can search the human heart?—but I am certain that they hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions”...
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What the Resurrection Requires: The Via Crucis

By Kevin Antlizt
From Transpositions

The Via Crucis

"The brutality of the cross needs to be resurrected in our cultural imagination."

The first words rolling out of mouths ought to be “the horror, the horror.” Instead, they are so often, “hallelujah! hallelujah!” Both are appropriate but the order matters immensely. Indeed, the nails have long rusted away and the splinters have been worn down. Time and familiarity have become like gall and have taken the edge off..."
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Summer Reading Recommendations

By Scott Crosby, New York City Christian Union
From ChristianUnion.org

Invigorate your summer reading with these intellectually enriching books. This short list of recommended titles includes a foray into character development, two fascinating histories, and an examination of Christianity’s role in the world...
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The Structure of Gratitude

By David Brooks
From The New York Times

David Brooks

"We live in a capitalist meritocracy that encourages individualism and utilitarianism, ambition and pride. But this society would fall apart if not for another economy, one in which gifts surpass expectations, in which insufficiency is acknowledged and dependence celebrated." David Brooks examines the life-giving posture of gratitude...
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40 Days of Prayer and Fasting

By Christian Union
From CU Today

Christian Union invites you to take part in a dedicated season of prayer and fasting, August 17 — September 25, 2015. There are many ways to participate as we seek God for our lives and ask for His mercy on this nation. We urgently need God's extraordinary intervention. First-time participants are encouraged to sign up and provide an email address in order to receive daily emailed devotionals...
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Prayer Requests

For students involved with Christian Union’s ministry, pray that their time in summer internships in the US and overseas would be time well spent. May God prepare them with this practical experience to become people of godly influence in many industries: from academia, to technology, to public policy, to Wall Street, to nonprofits, and more.

The ministry facilitates summer book discussion groups and Bible studies for those on and near these campuses. At Harvard Law School, 40 new and incoming students are engaging with Os Guinness' Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times. They are encouraged to critically think through and embody faithfulness in fast-paced and ever-changing cultural and social environments. Continue to pray for their development as Christian leaders in the judicial system.

Pray for Christian Union faculty who are preparing for the coming school year. Pray for a deepening in understanding God's Word and a fuller scope of the needs of students on these campuses. Please pray that the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—would mark the lives of those who serve at these campuses and in key cities.