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Christian Union: The Magazine
August 26, 2015

Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. — Hebrews 12:28-29

Face to Face: Developing Intimacy with God

By Rob Reimer
From Harvard College Faith & Action

Have you ever felt like God is a distant phenomenon with little interaction in your daily life? Do you wish that He would speak a little louder and a little more often? That your relationship with Him would be more of an amalgamation of friend and father than stodgy professor? Pastor Rob Reimer, from South Shore Community Church, spoke at Harvard College Faith & Action's Doxa, Christian Union's leadership lecture series at Harvard, on how to develop intimacy with God through the Holy Spirit...
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The Coddling of the American Mind

By Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt
From The Atlantic


In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education — and mental health...
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A Call to Christian Engagement in the Arts

By Barrett Duke
From Canon & Culture

In this article from last February, Barrett Duke, the vice president of public policy and research at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, argues that if Christians truly hope to see culture change, it must not ignore the important role of the arts...
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Industry's Growth Leads to Leftover Embryos, and Painful Choices

By Tamar Lewin
From The New York Times


As technology continues to advance at a staggering pace, strong leaders, grounded in their faith, are needed — increasingly — to help navigate difficult questions that emerge, in ways that honor the Lord. The following article, from The New York Times, highlights one such issue...
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Inspiring Businessman, Missionary Heart

By Sarah Camp
From Christian Union: The Magazine

Willard Robert (Bob) Stover, a friend and generous supporter of numerous Christian organizations, including Christian Union, went to be with the Lord after 93 years of life and more than 60 years of dedicated Christian philanthropy. Bob leaves behind a rich legacy that encompasses family, church, ministry, education, and business...
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It Is Not Too Late

By Christian Union
From CU Today


Christian Union has invited believers to join together in a dedicated season of prayer and fasting from August 17 - September 25, 2015. While it has already started, you are invited to join still for any or all of the remaining days. There are many ways to participate as we seek God for our lives and ask for His mercy on this nation. We urgently need God's extraordinary intervention. First-time participants are encouraged to sign up and provide an email address in order to receive daily emailed devotionals...
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Prayer Requests

Praise the Lord for 30 Dartmouth students who initiated an overnight prayer event that included times of corporate prayer, as well as prayer-walking on campus. Continue to pray for the movement of God's Spirit at Dartmouth (and other schools where Christian Union is at work) and in the lives of students who study there.

Please pray for student conferences that Christian Union's various ministries hold to help their returning students spiritually prepare for the school year while reconnecting with each other.

Please pray for Christian Union's various ministries as they meet and gather freshmen at each campus. Upperclassmen are already connecting with incoming freshmen through Facebook, and believers who come to campus are encouraged to discover a strong Christian community available.