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Christian Union: The Magazine
September 10, 2015

Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. — Hebrews 4:14-16

Overcoming Pride and Anxiety

By Chris Matthews
From Yale Faith & Action


What motivates you everyday to do the things you do? Two common motivators for us tend to be pride and anxiety. In this lecture, we look at what God says should motivate us in all things and how to overcome pride and anxiety as our primary motivators...
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A Duke Freshman Takes a Stand

By Brian Grasso
From The Washington Post

I’m a Duke freshman. Here’s why I refused to read 'Fun Home.' It's not about being uncomfortable. It's about being asked to do something that I think is immoral...
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Against the Flow

By John Lennox
From Rzim.org


Renowned Oxford Professor of Mathematics John Lennox reminds us that the story of Daniel and his friends is a clarion call to our generation to be courageous; not to lose our nerve and allow the expression of our faith to be diluted and squeezed out of the public space and thus rendered spineless and ineffective. Their story will also tell us that this objective is not likely to be achieved without cost...
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Honest Praise

By Justin Doyle
From Christian Union

The following is just one of the daily devotionals available to all who sign up for the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting Initiative.

Psalm 69 begins as a cry of desperation, a painful plea for God’s saving mercy. The psalmist is overtaken by darkness in the form of enemies. He suffers. His pain is real...
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More than a Sequel: Heaven Is Our Reboot

By Jeffery Porter
From Christ & Pop Culture


Year after year, Hollywood churns a host of sequels, reboots, and remakes on a quest to find Eden, because embedded deep within our souls is a nostalgic quest for a lost paradise—and film is often where it leads us. Some fear "Hollywood has run out of ideas;" it is a common belief. You have heard those exact words before...
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Yes, Life Does Actually Begin at Conception

By Patrick Lee, Christopher O. Tollefsen, and Robert P. George
From Public Discourse

Senator Marco Rubio is right. The life of a human being begins at conception—not at implantation, “viability,” or birth. This is a scientific fact. It is not, as CNN journalist Chris Cuomo ignorantly insisted in a televised confrontation with Rubio, a claim of “faith” with no scientific basis...
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Prayer Requests

This semester at Cornell there is a growing desire among students in Christian Union’s ministry to seek the Lord more diligently; already, 15 students have committed to meet daily at 7:30 am at the Cornell House of Prayer for corporate worship and prayer. Please pray for God to fill the hunger within these students with His love and power so that they experience personal revival and are equipped to love their peers well and make an impact for Christ on their campus, to the glory of God!

At most of the campuses where Christian Union operates, the ministries are in the thick of their respective freshman campaigns. The freshman campaign is a 6-week process of contacting as many incoming freshmen as possible to invite them to be a part of the Christian Union community, which includes Bible courses, a weekly lecture series, outreach and social events. Pray for the upperclassmen that have been especially burdened for the class of 2019. Pray for the Lord to create providential encounters for them to share the love of Christ with the freshmen and, in turn, that the freshmen would be drawn to attend a Bible course and/or other events that would help them develop spiritually.

The ministry at Penn has had great success connecting with new students through a late-night pancake party. The ministry at Yale followed their example with their own version of this unique outreach; they were delighted when 50-60 students turned out. An astounding 175+ freshmen turned out for the same event at Columbia this week. It was an excellent way to kick off the year. Pray for the relationships formed that night to grow and that these students would be led to seek God through Bible courses, to grow in their faith and their understanding of who they are in Christ.