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Christian Union: The Magazine
September 24, 2015

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.
— 1 Chronicles 29:11

Renewing Christian Friendship

By Wesley Hill
From Christian Union's Ministry at Harvard

Wesley Hill

Professor Wesley Hill, of Trinity College, addresses the value and potential in friendship that often goes unrecognized in the modern Christian community. Professor Hill gave this talk at Christian Union's leadership lecture series at Harvard...
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The Rhetoric of Worldviews: Narratives of Violence and Peace

By Jake Casale
From The Augustine Collective

Jake Casale '17 is a student leader in Christian Union's ministry at Dartmouth. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the Dartmouth Apologia, a journal of Christian thought. His article, "The Rhetoric of Worldviews: Narratives of Violence and Peace," was published in the spring issue of the Dartmouth Apologia, and also online at the Augustine Collective web site...
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How to Live in an Age of Distraction

By Kevin Antlitz
From ChristianUnion.org


When a monk asks you a question, it’s generally wise to listen. I learned this lesson on an annual silent retreat at a monastery of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist in Cambridge, Massachusetts. During his sermon, a brother was describing the various perspectives on the "real presence" of Christ...
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A Christian Perspective on the Sexual Revolution

By Russell D. Moore
From First Things

Could the next Billy Graham be a married lesbian? In the year 2045, will Focus on the Family be “Focus on the Families,” broadcasting counsel to Christians about how to manage jealousy in their polyamorous relationships? That’s the assumption among many—on the celebratory left as well as the nervous right...
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The Hypocrisy of UC Berkeley Liberalism is Unacceptable

By Dave Kurz
From The Daily Californian


Former Christian Union student leader (and now doctoral student at Cal Berkeley) Dave Kurz recently wrote the following op ed piece for The Daily Californian. This article is just one example of what it looks like when a believer engages academia thoughtfully...
Read His Op-ed Piece Here >

Prayer Requests

In just three short weeks, Christian Union faculty and students have had almost 1,600 face-to-face meetings with new students! Praise God for the 282 freshmen that have already signed up for weekly Bible courses. There are still three more weeks of intentional, focused time to reach out to these new students.

Right now at each campus where Christian Union operates, its ministries are in the midst of fall conferences. Please pray many freshmen attend. Students who attend experience a rich weekend of scriptural instruction, prayer, and relationship building. Pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed, understood, and accepted by many. As students return to campus from these conferences, pray for the continued growth of community, resulting in solid Christian fellowship for any students looking to connect.

Princeton, Dartmouth and Brown commence later than the other Christian Union ministries; they have just begun their outreach to incoming freshmen. Please pray for much grace, energy, and endurance for all of the Christian Union faculty and upperclassmen that have spent and are spending incredible hours and effort developing relationships with these new students. Also pray for students to recognize their need for a relationship with God, so they will begin to explore ways to develop it.