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Christian Union: The Magazine
October 21, 2015

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." — Matthew 5:14-16

Effective Prayer

By Qwynn Gross
From YouTube

Qwynn Gross

What can we do to ensure that our prayers are effective? Christian Union Ministry Fellow at Princeton Qwynn Gross uses the Bible to show that by praying God's will, our prayers will always be heard...
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Influencing Government for Good

By Wayne Grudem
From Christian Union: The Magazine

I believe that Christians should seek to influence civil government according to God's moral standards and God's purposes for government as revealed in the Bible (when rightly understood). But while Christians exercise this influence, they must simultaneously insist on protecting freedom of religion for all citizens, a right that is rightfully embedded in our First Amendment...
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Back to Science Class for the Science Guy

By Robert P. George and Patrick Lee
From National Review

Bill Nye

Bill Nye is supposed to be “the science guy.” Recently he published a video on YouTube purporting to inform viewers of what science tells us about abortion. Nye claims that laws against abortion reflect “a deep scientific lack of understanding.” But it turns out that it is Nye himself who doesn’t understand the science...
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Reflections from a Christian Filmmaker

By Aaron Craig
From I Am Second

As a professional filmmaker, there’s a question I get asked a lot that’s tough: “What is it like to be a Christian working in the film industry?” Especially since I live in New York City. It’s tough, because it’s not honestly something I dwell on. Here’s what I mean: God has given me the ability to do what I do, so my work flows freely from that. It’s a joyful process...
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A Franciscan Moment

By Timothy George
From First Things


Timothy George, the founding dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University, recently wrote a piece on Christian unity and cultural engagement for First Things. He observed: "Saint Francis and his followers followed the way of the cross, embraced lepers, and danced in the joy of the Spirit for the glory of God. Their movement was marked by mobilitas, not stabilitas. They went everywhere preaching the gospel—to the towns and marketplaces, to the universities and centers of power—and eventually into all the world...
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Prayer Requests

A Harvard Law School professor enthusiastically attended a lunch with students involved in Christian Union's ministry, affirmed his support for the ministry, and shared his heart with the students. Students were able to pray for him and were so grateful for his encouragement. Please pray for more professors like him at each of the universities where Christian Union operates.

Please pray as Christian Union's ministries at Penn and Cornell search for new office space. Ideal office space would be close to campus and offer both offices and meeting areas, but such spaces are often hard to find.