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Intellectual Engagement

September 22, 2016

The Role of Christians in Economic Freedom

CU-Christians-Economic-Freedom-TodayAccording to one major index of economic freedom, by country, the US has been in steady decline since the early 2000s. In the Economic Freedom of the World 2016 Annual Report, the US has dropped from second best in the world to sixteenth or eighteenth. How does this happen? Anne Bradley, a Christian economist, offered her insights into this phenomenon during an interview with Joe Connors:

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September 20, 2016

Autonomy Is Not the Freedom We Need

CU-Autonomy-Not-Freedom-TodayIn recent decades, American culture has so fetishized autonomy as a moral good that the once-beneficial idea, taken to excess, is now harming individuals and threatens to tear apart the fabric of society itself. Devotees of radical autonomy assert that individuals can define the relationships they have with others on their own terms, and cast aside traditional definitions of friendship, marriage, or parenthood. 

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September 14, 2016

Help Wanted: Christian Intellectuals Needed

In today’s world, we need unabashed Christian leaders in the realms of intellectual pursuits. However, this is difficult because of the particular antagonism Christianity generates in secular academia.

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September 12, 2016

‘Born That Way’ and Other Myths Disproved

CU-today-Myths_disprovedA new, eye-opening report has surfaced on the sexuality and “gender” front. The report’s authors are Lawrence S. Mayer, MB, MS, PhD, a scholar in residence in the Department of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, and Paul R. McHugh, former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, University Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. 

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August 31, 2016

C.S. Lewis on Prayer

CS-Lewis-Prayer-CU-TodayWhy do we pray?

Even those of us who pray regularly have sometimes wondered if we should not ask God for things in prayer because, since He is all-wise, doesn’t He know already what is best? And if He is all-good, won’t He do it whether we pray or not?

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August 25, 2016

Where Is the Line Between Ethical and Legal?

Ethical-Legal-Line-CU-TodayWhen former Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli raised the price on the drug Daraprim by 5,000% earlier this year, he also raised the question of whether pharmaceutical should be held to higher ethical standards than companies in other industries.

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August 1, 2016

Bill Threatens California Colleges’ Religious Freedom

CU_Christian_Colleges_CaliforniaCalifornia SB 1146 threatens the existence of around 40 faith-based colleges that rely on the state government for funding. Christianity Today explains how the bill, which purports to advance equality by curtailing important exemptions for religious schools, disproportionately harms students who most depend on grants to attend faith-based schools, while forcing these schools to promote sexual ideology explicitly at odds with their mission:

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July 21, 2016

Transhumanism Is the New Gnosticism

CU-Today-TranshumanismTranshumanism, the belief that we can use technology to alter our lives in order to outlive our natural lifespans, shares its core beliefs with the ancient Christian heresy, Gnosticism, which rejects the body as evil. James Hoskins, writing for CAPC, explains the connection between the two erroneous beliefs.

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July 19, 2016

Highlights from Nexus 2016

CU-Nexus-Highlights-CU-TodayChristian Union’s 2016 Nexus conference brought together students from all eight of the nation’s leading universities for a life-changing weekend of dynamic worship and world-class speakers. The weekend challenged students to think deeply about their faith, to consider how they might put that faith into action right now on their campuses, to recognize how God can use them in the vocation they pursue to impact culture for Christ, and to grow closer in faith and devotion to Jesus Christ in fellowship with like-minded peers.

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July 15, 2016

What Does Jesus Mean: “The Poor Will Always Be with You?”

What-Jesus-Mean-Poor-Always-With-You-CU-TodayWhen Jesus tells His disciples “The poor you will always have with you,” it may seem like He is telling His disciples that caring for those in need is a secondary concern. Some may use this passage as justification for tight-fistedness, but Jesus’ message is actually the opposite.

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July 5, 2016

Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person

CU_today_Why_you_will_marry_the_wrong_personWhen looking for a spouse, young men and women often make the mistake of looking for a person who shares their exact tastes, strengths, and faults. Marriage, however, is more about a commitment to another person than it is about the romantic connection formed early on in a relationship.   

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June 30, 2016

Can We Redefine Reality?

CU_today_Redefine_realityFrom the legality of transgender bathrooms to the morality of physician-assisted suicide, a series of social issues have become emblematic of the stark differences between worldviews vying to be cultural norms in the United States. More fundamentally, these hot-button issues illustrate a gap between starkly different ways of understanding right and wrong. As these differences play out in the public square, too little attention is given to the most basic assumptions made by the opposing positions.

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June 15, 2016

Dartmouth Students Call for Intellectual Independence

Dartmout-students-intellectual-freedom-cu-todayStudents at Dartmouth are challenging two closely related, disturbing trends in higher education—the growth of bureaucracy and censorship. In a petition to the Dartmouth administration, five student government leaders and 1,200 signees expressed strong discontent with the ever-increasing number of non-faculty staff employed by the college. The number of non-faculty administrators has risen to 1,000 from 1999 to 2004 and then, despite faculty lay-offs, to 3,497 by 2015. This monumental staff increase has contributed to making the minimum cost $70,000 for a year at Dartmouth. 

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June 8, 2016

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

blessed-peacemakers-cu-todayIn the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 5:9). Though we live in a world filled with discord, we should take His exhortation to heart and through our peaceful dispositions, let our neighbors feel the positive impact of our Christian faith.

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May 24, 2016

Courtney McEachon, Class of 2015

"I went from having no voice to wanting to be the voice of the pro-life movement."

Courtney McEachon '15 is a graduate of Yale University. Among her many courses and activities, she was a key student leader in the pro-life movement at Yale. In her efforts to bring greater visibility to the pro-life movement among college students, Courtney gained considerable insight into the role people of influence play in determining what constitutes "good" and "just" in society.

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May 12, 2016

How to Train Your Bible Memory

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. — Psalm 119:11

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May 3, 2016

What Has Christianity Done for Us?

In an article from Christian Today, David Robertson expounds on the many contributions Christianity has made to the world, demonstrating that Christianity turned the ancient world upside down and laid the foundation for much of modern Western society, and that Christianity ushers in numerous positive changes in societies around the globe:

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March 24, 2016

Lead by Example: How to Create a Flourishing Culture

CU-how-to-create-a-flourishing-cultureBuilding a thriving culture, whether within a single organization or on a larger societal level, requires time, patience, and serious dedication. A healthy culture is, after all, shaped by its leadership, so those in leadership roles and managerial positions – like it or not – can expect organizational effectiveness to be directly tied to their own values and attitudes.

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March 24, 2016

Why We Search for God

CU-why-we-search-for-GodGod seeks relationship with those who don’t yet know him. He seeks a deeper union with those who do.

As we seek him, we can be confident that he is earnestly seeking us as well. –Leigh McLeroy

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March 23, 2016

The Case for Confident Pluralism

A-Case-for-Confident-Pluralism-CUWith all the contestation surrounding religious freedom and difference in beliefs, there are certainly times where we might think that the world would be better without such conflicts, or any differences for that matter. But differences are what enrich our lives, sharpen our minds, and expand our creativity.

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