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Christian Union: The Magazine
January 4, 2022

Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God

Editor’s note: The following article was part of a series of devotionals for Christian Union Day and Night’s two-week “Return to Me” national fast in the summer of 2021. For information on Christian Union Day and Night's current 2022 fast, visit www.dayandnight.org. In Acts 8, Luke tells us of a man named Simon who had “amazed the people of Samaria” (v. 9) with his prowess as a magician. So impressive was Simon that the people said of him, “This man is the power of God” (v. 10). That is, until the real power of God showed up in Samaria.

January 3, 2022

Praise Night Resounds in Student Center

In November, Christian Union Vox and Agape Christian Fellowship united to host Praise night in the Collis Student Center at Dartmouth College. Traditionally, the event has been held off campus, but this fall student organizers Sidra Goldner and Evan Yang wanted to host Praise Night at the student center to provide a larger event and a greater witness to the Dartmouth community.

December 22, 2021

Mott Center Christmas Party Is One of Many Highlights

Christian Union Vita enjoyed a warm, festive Christmas celebration at the John R. Mott Center in December. Students decorated Christian Union’s ministry home at Cornell, complete with a hand-cut Christmas tree. They wore ugly sweaters, built gingerbread houses, and exchanged gifts through a white elephant.

December 21, 2021

Dr. Flanigan, Infectious Disease Specialist, Speaks at CU Libertas Series

In November, the CU Libertas’ Leadership Lecture Series featured Dr. Timothy Flanigan, a member of the Division of Infectious Diseases at The Miriam and Rhode Island Hospitals and Alpert Medical School of Brown University. His message was entitled “Faith, Suffering, and Practicing Medicine in the Midst of the Pandemic.”

December 17, 2021

Will You Join Our National Effort?

Many Christians are familiar with the first condition God sets before His people in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves…” However, not many Christians are aware that fasting is the primary way to humble oneself according to Scripture. 

December 16, 2021

“The Feeling of Christian Community Is Palpable”

“Something is afoot at Harvard Law School. God is on the move.”

December 15, 2021

Social Commentator Speaks at NYCU Salon

Atheism is no longer an option for those who seek to be regarded as intellectually honest, according to Eric Metaxas. The cultural commentator and Yale alumnus of 1984 shared that premise when he spoke at Christian Union New York’s salon on December 15.

December 15, 2021

Author of Irreversible Damage Delivers Poignant Message at Princeton

In our increasingly polarized society, university campuses have become a hotbed of cancel culture and diminished free speech. Though organizations like Academic Freedom Alliance have emerged from leading institutions with the sole purpose of defending professors' and students' constitutional right to freedom of speech, majority views tend to dominate public thinking and discourage dissent, even when dissent is grounded in research. 

December 14, 2021

CU Caritas Offers Discipleship, Spiritual Refreshment to Students

Justin Woyak, Christian Union’s ministry director at Stanford University, understands that even the most intellectually-gifted young people need something more than academic achievement, social activities, and camaraderie during their college careers.

December 10, 2021

A Yale Student's Reflection on Seeking God Consistently

Editor’s note: The following article was reprinted with permission from The Yale Logos, a student-led Christian Journal. One of my favorite parts about Sunday mornings is walking into church and smelling the musty pews gently speckled with the mid-morning sun, and seeing the rows upon rows of pews, pews that are  usually littered with hymnals and psalters. I have been doing some reflection on this recently. What does it mean that hymnals or psalters are usually distributed as separate books as opposed to the rest of the Bible?

December 8, 2021

Student Leaders Welcome Freshmen; Resume In-Person Ministry

The first floor of the Melrose Center is reduced to a low hum; sounds of chatter from a senior women’s Bible course waft down the stairs to join the smell of Domino’s pizza. A few people sprinkle the chairs in front of the TV in the extended dining room, while others hover in the back, laptops out, pens pressed to paper. It’s a typical Monday night for Christian Union Nova at Princeton, where Monday Night Football and studying late into the night has become a Melrose norm.

December 8, 2021

Early Years of Christ's Life Marked By Suffering and Trauma

Christmas plays always end with Jesus in the manger, the heavenly host singing around Him, and the shepherds and wise men bowed at his feet. But that is hardly where the birth narrative ends in the gospel of Matthew. 

December 6, 2021

Caitlin Vera Is a Former Marine

Caitlin Vera didn’t have ministry on her mind when she left home to join the Marines. The eighteen-year-old enrolled in the service as a way to leave a small, rural town and be part of something bigger than herself. 

December 2, 2021

Simoni '23 Has a Passion for Evangelism

Many Christians get nervous when they think about evangelism. Thoughts of difficult questions they cannot answer well or the possibility of offending another often lead believers to say less than they ought, and often to say nothing at all of the riches of Christ. 

November 30, 2021

Slowing Down to Acknowledge "Endarkenment"

The Christmas season is upon us which means shoppers are shopping, homes are being decorated, city streets are filled with Christmas trees and garland, and a festive air seems to sparkle around us. But this kind of Christmas season stands in stark opposition to the Church’s season of advent. Advent is decidedly not about shopping and decorating. It is about waiting, watching, and hoping in the darkness of our world. And perhaps, that is the timbre of the season that we need most.

November 29, 2021

The True Path to Freedom

The great promise of modern life is that you can be whatever you want to be. The world is your oyster. Your options are limitless. You can go out and make whatever you want of yourself and your life. The freedom to create your identity pulses through our culture shaping our politics, discipling our young people, and redefining the boundaries of humanity.

November 23, 2021

Columbia and Penn Alumni Discuss Films

Alumni from Columbia and Penn gathered in person and virtually to discuss religious themes in film. Spearheaded by Columbia alumnus Stephen Cone ’20, who was a Film and Media Studies major, the alumni recently gathered at the CU Lumine Ministry Center on the day of the Columbia vs. Penn football game for the discussion entitled, “Where Is God in the Movies?”

November 23, 2021

In-Person Ministry Returns

A core group of emerging student leaders and alumni who have returned to the area have helped Christian Union Vox reach incoming freshmen and launch into the new academic year with vitality. 

November 18, 2021

"That None Would Perish"

As Jesus makes abundantly clear, the heart of God is never satisfied while even one soul is still lost, wandering in the darkness of sin:

November 15, 2021

A New Realm of Social Media 

When Facebook debuted in 2004 from a dorm room at Harvard, the world didn’t have any idea what the social media platform might become. Social media itself was still in its infancy, relegated to corners of the internet and certain affinity groups. But today, Facebook is preparing to enter an entirely new realm of its social media dominion—it’s called the metaverse.