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It’s hard to believe, but we’re nearing the end of the semester here at Brown University. Our Christian Union community has had a full past couple of months digging into the book of Hebrews through Bible Courses, gathering together weekly for our large-group Leadership Lecture Series (“The Anchor”), serving students on campus and the larger Providence community, a Fall Retreat back in October, and currently a week of fasting and prayer, culminating in a large Thanksgiving feast on November 17th. With all this and so much more, it’s been a fun, spiritually nourishing, and busy semester so far!

Please pray that students would find rest during this short break and that those staying on campus would find community and family away from home as they celebrate.

At this time of year, I should mention that we do depend on the generosity of many supporters to make this ministry possible. The resources provided by alumni, parents, and friends make it possible to run Bible Courses for students this semester; to hold off-campus conferences, where students step away from campus life to grow closer to God and deepen their relationships with one another; to engage in creative Gospel outreach on campus and bring engaging speakers. And of course, to meet with students one-on-one, to counsel and encourage them toward new faith in Christ or to deeper maturity in Him. Would you prayerfully consider making a special gift by December 31st to support current students as they hear the Gospel and grow in faith?

Thank you for your continued prayer and support. We couldn’t do what we do here at Brown without you!

Grace and Peace,

Justin Doyle
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Brown University

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Brown, please email prayer@christianunion.org.