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We’ve finished another semester here at Brown University. Students are finishing up final exams and heading home to be with family during the holidays. Just this last week, we celebrated the end of our semester studying Hebrews with a large, family-style dinner at the Judson Center (the ministry center here at Brown University) with students from our Bible Courses. The Judson Center was abuzz with chatter and laughter as we sat around the large dining room table enjoying one another and the God that has so graciously provided for us over the course of the semester, in these Bible Courses and so much more. It struck me, as we sat there eating and talking, how necessary it is to have Christian Union ministries at these universities. It is because of the love and generosity of so many folks, including you, that these students have a place to belong, a community in which to study God’s Word, to pray, and to witness to the larger Brown community. So, thank you for being a part of what God is doing here at Brown in transforming students’ lives for the sake of Christ’s name!

Would you please join me in praying for the following:

Winter Break
As students head home for a lengthy break before the start of the spring semester, please pray that they will find rest in Jesus. There are lots of temptations awaiting them over the course of the next few weeks. Pray that they would listen to the voice of God, submit to the guidance of the Spirit and root themselves in the work of Christ, so they may continue to grow in their relationship with their heavenly Father and give witness to the hope they havein the gospel.

Ministry Faculty
Matt Woodard (Ministry Director at Brown), Laurel, Gianna and myself. We tend to get tired near the end of the semester and could really use a good time of rest and relaxation as we reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God. Pray that God would meet us in these next few weeks and draw us closer to Himself.

As always, we are so grateful for you and your partnership in the gospel here at Brown. May the God, who once came to us as a baby and promises to come again as King over the entire cosmos, give you peace in this season of Advent.

In Christ,

Justin Doyle
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Brown University

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Brown, please email prayer@christianunion.org.