Thank you so much for partnering with us in prayer. Your prayers are being answered! God is working powerfully in so many ways and we rejoice in his unfailing love and faithfulness. Although the virus has limited our ability to gather together in many ways, attendance at our Bible courses has been strong and student engagement in the Word of God and prayer during these times has been very encouraging.
More students are added to our Bible course groups every week, including a freshman guy who had felt overwhelmed with his academics during his first two months at Cornell, but responded to my message last week and joined one of the men’s groups for the first time. The women athletes’ Bible course taught over zoom has grown from 15 women to 25! And one of those women, a freshman hockey player, has joined leadership and is helping head up our communications team.
The CU Vita ministry faculty members have also been meeting with three different students who are considering the Christian faith and/or fellowship for the first time. One of those students comes from an atheist/Hindu background and is meeting with me weekly to discuss the gospel and issues of faith and reason. Finally, the Mott Center is open again, bustling with various Bible courses, prayer meetings, and small group gatherings.
Thank you for praying:
- For student leaders, that many students will step up to lead with a willingness to serve their friends and the Cornell community in the coming year.
- For CU Vita’s freshmen, thanking God for them and praying they will continue to develop solid friendships and be encouraged in Christ as they settle into life at Cornell.
- For CU Vita’s students, that they will keep Jesus first in their hearts and minds and know the joy and peace he provides, and that they will be disciplined and pursue excellence in their work.
- For the ministry’s Bible courses, that God would speak powerfully through his Word and transform our students into the image of his Son, and for his service.
- For Cornell University, that the virus infection rate would remain low, and that revival would come with many across the campus coming to know and trust Christ for salvation.
- For the ministry faculty, that we would have God’s wisdom and love to lead, teach, and mentor our students well, for His glory.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer for Cornell and the students of Christian Union Vita!
Jim Thomforde
Interim Ministry Director, Christian Union Vita
Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Cornell, please email