We’re wishing you a happy new year from snowy Ithaca! Thank you for your continued prayers for our staff and our students. We are trusting God and praying for a fruitful 2021 filled with Christian growth and maturity, new faith, and revival on our campus. We are happy to report that the students are doing well, and over the winter break, we have had several new students show interest in joining Bible courses and leadership for the upcoming year. Our staff and student Bible course leaders are preparing to teach Acts, Sex and Spirituality, and Seeking God Bible courses during the spring semester, which we pray will fill our students with truth that will empower their witness for Christ at Cornell in 2021, and we look forward to starting a new prayer meeting this spring that one of our amazing new freshmen has volunteered to lead!
Thank you for praying:
- For student leaders, that students will continue to step up to lead with a willingness to serve their friends and the Cornell community in the coming year.
- For our freshmen, thanking God for them and praying they will continue to develop solid friendships and be encouraged by the ministry and the message of the gospel.
- For our students, that they will keep Jesus first in their hearts and minds, confident in him as they enjoy their winter break, that God will bless them and give them a vision for serving Him at Cornell this upcoming spring semester.
- For Cornell University, that the virus infection rate remains low, and that revival would come with many coming to know and trust Christ for salvation, and for wisdom in planning the spring semester with respect to Covid.
- For our staff, that we would have opportunities to encourage our students while they are away on winter break, and that we would prepare well for the spring semester.
Thank you for partnering with us in prayer for Cornell and the students of Christian Union Vita!
Jim Thomforde
Interim Ministry Director, Christian Union Vita
Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Cornell, please email prayer@christianunion.org.