Thank you as always for your support, as it is making a difference! March has been an absolutely incredible month for Christian Union Vita here on Cornell’s campus. The Lord has continued to move in extraordinary ways, and I’m so excited to share a few high points with you so you can celebrate with us!
First and foremost, we are praising the Lord for over a dozen students who have put their faith in Jesus this semester! This is an extraordinary blessing, and we are rejoicing in the salvations the Lord has allowed us to see and be a part of on campus. Your support helps to make this possible, so rejoice with us as a member of the team of workers who are a part of this harvest. Pray that God continues to draw more and more students to a saving knowledge of Him!
We recently finished our major evangelistic event on campus March 10-15 called CU Proclaim! Students and faculty from CU ministries at Yale, Dartmouth, Columbia, and Princeton came to Cornell’s campus for training and outreach opportunities. We spent several days of an unseasonably warm and sunny week (thank you, Lord!) sharing the gospel using various methods including sidewalk chalk, conversation-starter initiative evangelism, prayer tables in the highest-traffic areas, and more. We gave out hundreds of copies of books, including, Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby, as well as The Case for Christ by Lee Stroebel. Here is a link to a related article from our Magazine.
We made sure to share links to our social media, and we saw a significant jump in connections throughout the week and beyond. We concluded the week with a Thursday night worship event in Sage Chapel that originally featured Dr. Richard Blackaby, who unfortunately had to cancel at the last minute for health reasons. The Lord provided, however, and we were able to secure former Times Square Church Pastor Carter Conlon in his stead. Paired with an incredible worship band from Summit, Conlon brought a clear, powerful gospel presentation to the crowd of several hundred students in attendance that the Lord used in mighty ways. Dozens of students responded at the end of the message, with several professing faith in Jesus. Over the course of the week, our team saturated the campus with thousands of gospel exposures. We pray the fruits of this effort will continue to be reaped for many years to come.

Even though we are in the home stretch of this current school year, there is so much to be done. Your financial support makes these ministry efforts possible. As you can see, the need is greater than ever, as are the opportunities. Would you consider seeking the Lord about the possibility of giving even greater gifts to match these growing opportunities and needs?
If you have any questions about the work of CU Vita, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly. I would be happy to speak with you.
Pressing On,
Marcus Buckley, DMin.
Ministry Director, Christian Union Vita
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