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Dear CU Vox Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” -Matthew 18:19-20 ESV

When Jesus says that he’ll be among us, he really means it! God fulfills his promises. And in accordance with our united prayers, he has been so present at Dartmouth this past term. From hosting our evangelistic event for the whole campus (thank you for your prayers!) to providing personal ministry for over 30 students, we’ve seen God move. The level of fervor in Christian Union Vox’s students this spring has been extraordinary! From prayer meetings lasting until 2am to 10-day fasts to spontaneously worshiping the Lord together, God is on the move at Dartmouth! And it comes because God fulfills his word: when we seek him together, he shows up!

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David Taylor ministers to CU Vox students on the Green

As we move into the summer, we need your support to develop these Christian leaders at Dartmouth and spread the good news of what God is doing here. Make Jesus Christ known this fall by giving a one-time or recurring gift of support by June 30th to help provide for some of the following critical student needs:

      • $40 for community meals
      • $85 for leadership speakers and training
      • $200 to be used toward the cost of space for weekly prayer and worship events
      • $400 toward the cost of fall or winter retreats.

Your support changes the lives of students.

May God bless you as you do his work,

Timothy Pillsbury
Ministry Director, Christian Union Vox
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