“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” - Romans 12:1-2
As we begin to wrap up the normal semester happenings at Harvard, I have been reflecting on these couple verses from Paul’s letter to the Romans. Our sophomore and junior Bible courses have been diligently studying Romans for the spring semester, and what a joy it has been to delve into the deep and all-consuming good news presented in this book! Our students have asked good questions and engaged in conversations about theology and practice that make me continually excited to revisit Paul’s message every week. I have especially gained encouragement from Paul’s reminder to withstand the pattern of the world and instead allow Christ to transform our minds - what an important message to remember in the midst of the times through which we are living!

CU Gloria Bible course
This reminder makes me more and more grateful for Christian Union’s existence on Harvard’s campus. In a place where the pattern of the world is so seductive and widespread, we need students just like those involved at CU Gloria to choose Christ’s way instead. My heart rejoices at what God is doing among us. Through many changes this year, our student base has remained strong and committed. We have a new four-person student Executive Team and many other new and returning Ministry Team Leaders, who with our Executive Team, gathered together on Saturday, April 13 for our Leadership Summit! It was a time of fellowship and equipping, and our Executive Team cast their vision for the year: “Abide in Love.” It is our prayer for the close of this academic year and for the start of the next, that CU Gloria will truly abide in the Vine and, thus, abide together. We desire to be people who truly love God and love other people, specifically our peers at Harvard.
Of all the many things that happened in the last month, the one that I’d like to share is Harvard’s Visitas weekend, when newly-admitted students visit campus for the first time. As we created different opportunities to connect, we were all very encouraged by how many pre-frosh engaged with us, as well as how many of our current students sacrificed their time to attend and help! As you remember us in prayer, please pray both for holy endings and new beginnings: that we would honor and send our seniors well, and that God would truly knit us together in abiding love, so that we would be able to welcome new students with the love of Christ this fall.
I am convinced that God has great plans for Harvard, and I am so deeply appreciative that you are partnering with us to see it come to fruition. Your generosity in prayer and resources do not go unnoticed: you are making a Kingdom impact!
Thank you for your continued faithfulness to join God in His mission and desires for Harvard, and for the nation.
With faith and joy,
Sadie Sasser
Ministry Fellow, Christian Union Gloria