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Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

The last month at Harvard College has brought many changes, though not any changes that are out of the ordinary. As we send out the seniors that have shaped ministry at Christian Union Gloria for the past four years, daily life slows down and we are able to reflect on the last year and begin to plan for the next. It is truly a privilege to partner with students at Harvard as they navigate college life and to continue with them through young adulthood. As this is my first full academic year on faculty, I am especially grateful for the ways Christian Union works to not only raise up Christians who lead well, but also to continue connecting them and pouring into them even after they graduate.

We said goodbye to several stalwart members of our student community in May, but what a joy it is to hear from them on how God has worked in their lives over the last four years. For all of them, Christian Union was a deeply important part of the journey. I feel confident that the work we put in with students for the four years they are present with us truly does reap benefits for society tomorrow. I can witness that there are solid Christian men and women being sent to places like Boston, New York City, Washington D.C., Las Vegas, and many other places. They will carry the presence of Christ with them and join God’s Kingdom work from many sectors of society.

This is exactly why Christian Union exists. We desire to raise up Christian leaders to transform culture! And we do not accomplish this mission in a vacuum. We are only able to partner with students and send them out in this manner because of the generous giving of the people of God. As Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 9, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver… You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.” We are incredibly grateful for those who partner with us financially. The impact we have on students at Harvard is not possible without you.

We are currently working toward Harvard being completely self-funded. This means your giving will help fund Bible Courses, Friday night Leadership Lecture Series, outreach events on campus, and so much more. Everything we do on campus is possible because of generous giving - will you consider helping us toward our financial goal? Anything you are able to give would be an incredible blessing. You are able to set up your direct gift to Harvard (CU Gloria) today!

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to join God in His mission and desires for Harvard, and for the nation.

With faith and joy,

Sadie Sasser
Ministry Fellow, Christian Union Gloria

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