Greetings from Cambridge!
September always brings with it a frenetic energy, especially around Harvard Square. Students return in the late weeks of August to reconnect with one another and begin to welcome the new class. Labor Day Weekend is packed with events that lead into the start of a new academic year and a new semester. We at CU Gloria are always so excited and expectant at this time of year, with the many hours spent planning to welcome students back over the summer converting back into the fast-paced schedule of the semester. We believe that God wants to move at Harvard among our students this year, and we are setting ourselves as watchmen to guard and await His move!
Our student executive team has decided that this year CU Gloria will focus on “Abiding in Love,” based in John 15. Our students feel the intense desire to be better connected to one another and to God, and the primary way they have chosen to accomplish deeper fellowship starts with staying connected to the True Vine. In a culture like Harvard’s, true rest is hard to find. Accomplishment, networking, and busy schedules reign and threaten to take the place of true worship. I am so encouraged that our students are fighting against this and choosing to lean into the rest of the Father, who promises that He will bring the fruit in our lives when we choose to remain with Him. Praise our good and merciful God!

We welcomed returning leaders back to our pre-retreat on August 26-29, and it was a time of deep worship and connection with God and each other. After returning, we launched our first two big events to welcome the class of 2028–a pizza party in the middle of the freshman dorms and a picnic outside the freshman dining hall after hosting first-years to church services. In the coming weeks, we will continue to personally connect with these new students, hopefully getting them connected to a Bible Course, our weekly worship service, and our fall retreat later this month!
As you pray for us, please lift up some specific things:
- The class of 2028 at Harvard! We want those who came with deep faith to find a Christian community to help guard and grow their faith. We at CU Gloria would be honored to be that group! We also want those who don’t know the Lord to be struck by the love of God existing in His people, particularly through our students.
- Our outreach team! Three student leaders are organizing and galvanizing all the outreach events to freshman students. Please pray for their discernment and physical rest in a busy season!
- Our Bible Courses! We aim to begin the upper-classmen Bible Courses very soon and are excited for people to return. Our Freshman Bible Courses will also start as soon as possible, after we gather interest forms and get people connected. We want people to find a home and a group of friends at CU Gloria! We will be going through the Gospel of Mark together this fall - may the gospel of Jesus Christ pierce the hearts of all who join! And may God bring those who don’t believe into the flock of the Good Shepherd!
Thank you for your continued faithfulness to join God in His mission and desires for Harvard and for the nation.
Your support changes students' lives at Harvard!
With faith and joy,
Sadie Sasser
Ministry Fellow, Christian Union Gloria