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Christian Union
Dear CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” -2 Timothy 1:6-7

The spring semester at Harvard has officially begun! We are solidly into the second week of the semester and the energy has returned as students flooded our Ministry Center in the heart of Harvard Square. It is such a privilege to minister to these students and walk with them as they walk with Jesus.


Despite the snow and the cold, our students are alight with the desire to pursue Jesus and see His name proclaimed on campus. This semester, we are preparing a specific evangelism and outreach focus to equip our students to be more confident in sharing their faith, and we have seen the fruit of this already! God is raising up student leaders here who are truly on fire for Jesus and are bringing their friends into our community. We will even be inviting students to join us on Princeton’s campus during Spring Break, where several Christian Union ministries will converge there for a week to share the gospel. We want to see a fire lit and the Holy Spirit poured out at Harvard, and we are praying in faith for that to happen!

Before I close, I’d love to share a praise–my colleague here at Christian Union, Jim, was able to lead a student to saving faith in Jesus just days ago. This sophomore was struggling and remembered how he had connected with Jim a year ago when he had visited Jim’s first Bible Course as a freshman. He decided to reach out, and through an intentional pastoral conversation, this student professed faith in Christ! A celebration ensued with his other Christian friends in their dorm, and it was so refreshing to hear about the utter joy of that moment.

Please pray for this student to be strengthened and discipled. And praise God–He is working on this campus and desires to see many come to faith in Him! Will you also join us in prayer for all our students who are being prompted to follow Christ even closer? May His mercy and grace make us into people and a ministry that truly fans into flame the gifts of God.

God loves every student at Harvard, and so do we!

With faith and joy,

Sadie Sasser
Ministry Fellow, Christian Union Gloria

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