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Christian Union
Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

This semester has been brilliant! Our freshman class is committed and enthusiastic about community and growing in the Lord together. I am continually amazed at the diligent efforts of our ABCL’s (Assistant Bible Course Leaders), who are serving and leading the Class of 2022 in gentleness and humility. We as a leadership team, have been meeting every Friday with our students who are currently teaching freshman Bible courses. Every week we are amazed, as they ALL gather to learn and acquire the tools needed to be better equipped to administer God’s word to their students. It has also been encouraging to see ABCL’s show up consistently who are not teaching and just want to be a support and be encouraged themselves. We are watching our leadership grow and mature and as a result, we are experiencing the same with our underclassmen; God is at work!

One of our action items for this year has been to build up our Thursday night lecture series, and thanks to the diligent work of our Ministry Team Leaders (Isaiah Smith and Raevin Dunson) we have experienced a great increase in attendance and student enthusiasm for Philia (Leadership Lecture Series). We have seen student retention and better engagement with our guest lectures and the community at large. It has been a gift to see a full room each and every Thursday. Please pray that this continues and that students will be encouraged to thrive in this space.

This time of year can be difficult for our students, as they are deep in mid-term season. We would beg your prayers for them, as they are exhausted, and many are feeling devalued and lost. PENN culture is intense and often misdirected. It is often communicated to students that they are only as good as their grades and that without academic success and eventual financial reward, they will be lesser than others who find such external success. It is hard to watch the students we love so dearly betrayed by such lies. Material reward is never promised or seen of value in God’s eyes. We pray that this is the truth that they will begin to see and feel.

As for our staff team here at PENN, we give thanks. This year with the addition of Fuji Kim we have a complete staff. It has made all the difference beginning the year with three full-time staff people. The presence of our ministry on campus has increased and the gospel is reaching more for the Kingdom with the addition of another worker. More students are being met with and discipled, and many more are encouraged, as we work to serve the students we have been sent. On a personal note, I am continually blessed working with Mae, Tucker and Fuji. I could not have asked for better colleagues.

Finally, please continue to pray for our evangelism efforts. Pray that our students would own this effort, that their hearts would break for the lost, and that God’s Spirit would convict sinners and edify saints through this ministry. We pray that the gospel goes forward, and that God is praised this year!

At this time of year, I should mention that we do depend on the generosity of many supporters to make this ministry possible. The resources provided by alumni, parents, and friends make it possible to run Bible courses for over 120 students this semester; to hold off-campus conferences, where students step away from campus life to grow closer to God and deepen their relationships with one another; to engage in creative Gospel outreach on campus and bring engaging speakers. And, of course, to meet with students one-on-one, to counsel and encourage them toward new faith in Christ or to deeper maturity in Him. Would you prayerfully consider making a special gift by December 31 to support current students as they hear the Gospel and grow in faith?

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Kelly Schaaf
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Penn