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Christian Union

University of Pennsylvania

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God! Our students have returned safely to campus after Summer Break and our Freshman Campaign is off to an excellent start. We kicked the school year off with our Pre-retreat, for our returning leaders. I have to say it was one of our best retreats to date. The students reunited and had a wonderful time of teaching and training. We are thankful that God’s Spirit is moving among the students, bringing a sense of unity and hunger for God’s Word. Please pray that our students would have an increasing affection for Jesus and would translate that passion for Christ’s glory to tangible action on Penn’s campus.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

We are two-thirds of the way through the summer, Philadelphia has experienced a heatwave and the summer Bible course discussion on Tim Keller’s The Prodigal God has come to a fruitful close. Vacationing and visiting the sites of some early churches in Turkey were rejuvenating (a ten year wedding promise fulfilled by God’s provision). Professional development has been positively challenging (more below). Working remotely the last few weeks have increased the value of an assortment of Starbucks. I miss Tucker, Kelly and Mae, the Penn team.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Another academic year at the University of Pennsylvania is complete, and our ministry was blessed to see our 2nd graduating class of CU at Penn. To celebrate, we enjoyed a pre-graduation ceremony retreat to the Jersey Shore with 10 of our grads in May. It is bittersweet to see them go: some to New York City, some to graduate school and one to the mission field. We will miss them.

Click here, to read our yearly financial update for Christian Union at University of Pennsylvania. 

Penn with borderThe Lord is moving at Penn. With your help, we believe God will do much more. The ministry needs to raise $121,867 for its ministry at Penn by June 30. Your gift, of any amount, will help to make Christ known at this wonderful university. Please prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner today.

If you have already made a gift, thank you! Would you consider a special, additional gift to help the ministry reach more students with the Gospel?

Make a Difference

1) Click here to give online
2) Charge by phone or give appreciated assets: 609-688-1700 X915
3) Pray to see God glorified at Penn
4) Join our prayer email list by emailing: prayer@christianunion.org
Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Spring break has come and gone. I have seen snow blowing upwards and snowing-raining at the same moment. Bible courses for the semester are under way: some groups are on schedule (Romans 6) while others are camping out on Romans 3. Thankfully, our sense of righteousness is not in our ability to lead the courses but by faith in Christ’s death and resurrection.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

Praise God! Our students have returned safely to campus after Winter Break and our Bible Courses have had an excellent start. We currently have 13 Bible Courses meeting, with the possibility of adding an additional women’s course. We are thankful that God’s Spirit is moving among the students, bringing a sense of unity and hunger for God’s Word. Please pray that our students would have an increasing affection for Jesus and would translate that passion for Christ’s glory to tangible action on Penn’s campus.

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

As our students’ minds turn to prepare for finals, final papers and holidays, we ask for continued prayers for the gospel’s introduction and discipleship of Penn students to grow as followers of Christ in the world. As the semester is sunsetting, pray that students will persevere in both trust in Christ and studies. 

Dear Friends and Partners of Christian Union at Penn,

It has been a great start to the school year at Penn. Thank you for your continued prayers for this ministry as we continue to proclaim the Gospel and develop our students to transform the culture of Penn for the glory of Jesus Christ.

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Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget mi vestibulum sem aliquam condimentum. Quisque et justo nec ante tincidunt mollis. Fusce a congue lorem, a malesuada nulla. Vestibulum ultrices ante a ligula sodales, nec aliquet orci euismod. Sed fringilla metus non lorem rhoncus, in maximus tortor consequat. Integer sagittis urna vitae tellus commodo ornare.

Nullam euismod libero eget quam dapibus hendrerit. Nunc dictum justo id nisi consequat auctor. Nulla sit amet elit lectus. Praesent sed fringilla eros, id cursus lacus. Integer eget neque non lacus commodo gravida. Proin pulvinar interdum nisl. Vestibulum hendrerit elit a nibh pretium malesuada. Etiam at quam egestas, volutpat mi pulvinar, eleifend mi. Ut lorem nisi, ultrices egestas aliquam bibendum, molestie gravida nisi.

Morbi vel leo nec nulla sollicitudin mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Proin semper ac sapien eget dignissim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla posuere id turpis a interdum. Donec lacinia sagittis diam quis gravida. Aenean rhoncus imperdiet tristique. Praesent feugiat ullamcorper ligula vel bibendum. Praesent viverra nisi ac pulvinar hendrerit. Morbi commodo semper nisi eget egestas. Donec vestibulum imperdiet luctus. Ut pulvinar luctus urna, blandit rutrum justo. Nunc finibus erat sem, et molestie lectus accumsan ut.
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