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Christian Union New York

What a great time two weekends ago - most of two days...with amazing speakers on compelling ideas...engaged in prayer and worship...about being courageous in the ways of the Lord...in our city. 

One of our persistent longings, as Christians in the contemporary world, is for our own transformation to what we know we were made to be. We know, both intuitively and from scripture that we are made in the image of God and to be complete in Christ - not just theologically but experientially as well. And yet…the reality leaves us wanting so much more. 

Miroslav Volf and Michael Croasmun, in their new book, For the Life of the Worldput it this way: “Flourishing requires the transformative presence of the true life in the midst of the false…”. What we long for is flourishing. We long to live fully in the life of the true rather than in the midst of the false. 

Check out the plenary talks and breakout sessions from the Cities Conference to explore this more from different vantage points - but especially the talks on Sanctified Ambition, and Engaging the City

- Scott Crosby, Ministry Director at Christian Union New York
Standing on John 15:1-17, Adrian’s session is designed to encourage working Christians to value themselves and their work from Jesus' value system vs the world's value system.
The following was recorded at the 2019 CU Cities Conference. (39:29)

Standing on John 15:1-17, Adrian’s session is designed to encourage working Christians to value themselves and their work from Jesus' value system vs the world's value system.

The following was recorded at the 2019 CU Cities Conference. (58:08)

The following was recorded at the 2019 CU Cities Conference. (35:17)

Bring Your Doubts

Christian Union provided Krya the space to ask the hard questions about Christianity, and she found that the Lord used her doubts, and the answers she found, to strengthen her faith. 

David Skeel Interviewed on Religious Freedom; Principles of Christian Leadership; Observe & Engage; The Dictatorship of Woke Capital; Art-Making Is an Act of Hope; The Pursuit of Happiness, Rightly Understood and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
— 2 Corinthians 3:17

Studying Scripture On Campus

Brianna deeply values Christian Union Bible courses and she shares the impact of Christian Union in her life.

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Christian Union develops Christian leaders at some of America's most influential, and deeply secular, universities. Prayerfully consider supporting our ministry. Click here to donate today. To learn more about Christian Union, click here.

Theological and Practical Application of Biblical Rest

Alan shares the impact of Christian Union on his spiritual life. Alan's relationship with God is transformed by theological understanding of rest. Listen to his testimony: 

Scott Crosby
Ministry Director,
Christian Union New York City
Christian Union Washington, DC 

Athens in Paul’s time was no longer a politically important city.  Greece had given way to Rome, and its political influence had declined through the centuries. It was, however, still the intellectual center of the world. This city was heir to the great philosophers who set the standards and patterns of thought: Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, and Pericles.

After hearing about Athens all his life Paul, the academic and now the apostle, is finally there—a city intellectually and culturally sophisticated but morally decadent and spiritually dead—in spite of having, according to some accounts, up to 30,000 statues of gods.

No wonder they had a statue to “the unknown god!”

CU Cities Conference 2019

In this breakout session, Wanda will discuss how easy it is to lead in the flesh, but how do we lead as Spirit-filled people? Looking at the life of Moses, we will study principles of leadership to help us at work, home and in our communities.

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