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Christian Union Event Features Geneticist, Theologian

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

Christian Union at Brown recently hosted a forum that examined the uniqueness of humanity.

“Are We More than Our Genes: A Geneticist and a Theologian Discuss Human Origins and Identity” was held on December 4 at Macmillan Hall. Approximately 200 students, many from the scientific community, attended the event, which featured Dr. Praveen Sethupathy, associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Cornell University, and Dr. J. Richard Middleton, Professor of Biblical Worldview and Exegesis at Northeastern Seminary. Dr. Richard Bungiro, Senior Lecturer in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at Brown and a self-described atheist, served as moderator.

Harvard Update; God Called Me to the Middle East — in a Dream; The Three Top SpokenWord Presentations from Nexus 2018; The Love Challenge; Bennett Builds Virginia Basketball on Pillars of Faith and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
— Romans 12:1-2

harvard spokenword 2018Over the last weekend in February, nearly 300 students, from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, gathered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for Christian Union's Nexus 2018 conference.

On Saturday night, a team from each school competed in the Christian Union SpokenWord competition that required teams to memorize and present any selection of scripture passages in a spoken word style. The presentations were powerful, creative, and inspiring. A highly energetic audience spurred each team on, and after jubilantly celebrating the top performances, performers and audience together broke into a playful dance party to cap off the joyous celebration of the power of God's Word! 

Watch the top three finalists, below, as revealed at Nexus 2018:

The Columbia team came in third at Nexus 2018. (4:56)

The Yale team came in second at Nexus 2018. (3:35)

The Harvard team won the Spoken Word Contest at Nexus 2018. (4:49)

Miller ’18 Excels in Faith, Theater Communities 

By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer 

Undergraduate studies at Yale College have provided an extraordinary platform for a senior and his passion for storytelling, especially via the dramatic arts. 

Dillon Miller ’18, who serves as co-president of Christian Union’s ministry at Yale, has landed major roles in about a dozen productions and appeared in numerous more during his involvement in Yale’s artistic community.

CU Hosts Trip to Oxford Analytica Conference 

By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer

A group of participants in Christian Union’s ministry for professionals recently ventured to the United Kingdom, where they enjoyed access to the renowned Oxford Analytica Conference.

“It was absolutely fascinating,” said Scott Crosby, director of Christian Union New York. “The conference especially was intriguing in terms of the levels of discussion, connections made, and fellowship.”

Six young professionals joined Crosby for the annual conference on global issues, which was held in September at Oxford University. During the event, about 250 chief executive officers, policymakers, and other leaders gathered to probe the implications of urgent geopolitical and macroeconomic issues.

Film Director Exhorts Harvard Students

By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer 

Christians in the film industry should strive to become creative forces in the arena of cinematic storytelling. 

That was one of the themes from Timothy Reckart when the award-winning director spoke to students at Christian Union’s weekly Leadership Lecture Series at Harvard College. In November, Reckart, Harvard ’09, discussed his passion for animated artistry, and explored the intersection of his visually stunning screen endeavors with his faith. Reckart’s return to his alma mater was especially timely as it occurred two weeks before the release of his first studio movie, The Star: The Story of the First Christmas.

Christian Union Engages Campus with Various Outreaches   

By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer 

Christian Union’s ministry at Columbia has a heart to create community and invite others.

Given the nature of an urban campus, many students find themselves craving an enhanced sense of collegiate culture. “Community is the thing that has been most central,” said Lane Young, Christian Union’s new ministry director at Columbia. “A lot of what they’re trying to do is find ways to make community happen.”

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